Saturday, October 31, 2009
This Is The Money You Could Be Saving With Geico

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Shake, Rattle & Roll
One of Darrin's volleyball players got Miles some foot & wrist rattles. They are so cute. Yesterday was the first time he's played with them. He smiled and kicked a lot. I kept trying to capture it on video but never timed it correctly. This video is cute, but doesn't show how much fun he really had with them.
I survived my first day back at work yesterday. It was so hard dropping him off at daycare....even more difficult than I thought it would be. I actually started crying on the way to the daycare, and I'm not much of a cryer. I had a million things I wanted to tell his teacher when we got there, but didn't manage to say anything. I just had to walk out. Darrin went with me, probably to peel me away if necessary. I felt like my heart was being ripped out. His teacher text me mid morning to let me know that he was doing great and had not cried at all. I was so appreciative of the text. When I got there to pick him up every baby in the room was crying. I looked around and couldn't find Miles. It was kind of chaotic in there at the moment....finally one of the teachers pointed to his crib. He was sound asleep! Precious.
Also, he started sleeping through the night this weekend. Right in time for work....how nice of him. Last week he started sleeping longer and longer each night. Finally, on Sunday morning we woke up and realized it was 6am!!! Then, Monday we had to wake him up at 7am....this morning we woke him up at 6:30am. His trend has been that once he starts doing something, he doesn't regress. Let's hope it's the same with sleeping through the night.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Corn Maze
This pic cracks me up. Darrin looks 9 feet tall. And, he looks like a creeper with his hood up.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dr's Appointments

Thursday, October 22, 2009
We went to orientation at the Children's Center this morning. We were both very happy with everything we saw. Miles' classroom was so organized and peaceful. I've been telling him all week how much they are going to love him at daycare! He starts on Monday. I am only going to work until noon the first day and then start full time on Tuesday. Last week I almost burst into tears every time I thought about going back to work and being away from Miles. This week I'm feeling a little better about it. I took Miles to work on Monday to meet everyone. I think being there and seeing all of my friends made me okay, even a little excited, about going back. Everyone at work was so nice, and interested, during my pregnancy. It was great for them to meet Miles. I know it will be hard to walk away from him on Monday, but I feel confident that he is in good hands.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Mack & Miles
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hope You Laugh As Loud As I Did
1) He offered up that he didn't notice there wasn't a baby seat in the back while he was loading his stuff.
2) What kind of car was it? A gray Equinox (that's what I drive in case you don't know)
3) Where was our car in relation to the stranger's car? Parked in front, facing it
4) Did you look around to see if anyone was watching you? Of course!
I really hope this entertained you as much as it did me. I'm still laughing.
Monday, October 12, 2009
First Movie
More Headaches...
Darrin's cousin Shawn watched Miles while I went to the doctor. I didn't want him at the doctor's office with sick people. Shawn & her family moved to Martin last year. We have really enjoyed having family so close. Thanks for babysitting Shawn!!! Judging from the pics, I'd say he had fun.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Too Tired to Play
Latest Craft Project
I wanted a place to neatly store all my camera batteries. We have 2 digital cameras and a video camera. I don't like messy cords, and I wanted them to be charged at all times.
This is an old jewelry box that I've had since high school.

This is what Miles was doing while I played with the drill. He's the best baby ever! Yes, that noise is the vibration of the bouncy seat. Highly annoying but he loves it.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
On May 3, 2001, we went to Patti's for our first date. I think we both already knew that we would get married.

Happy Anniversary babe. I love you!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Fun Times
Miles has started playing and smiling more. He even learned how to hit the ball on his play mat. He is such a happy baby. Sorry I can't turn this video the other way.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Problems Solved
Darrin & I love this time of year for many reasons.....volleyball, football, our birthdays, our anniversary, and definitely the weather. Darrin bought me a fire pit for Christmas last year, but soon after I found out I was pregnant. Sitting outside in January around a fire pit somehow didn't seem fun anymore. So with the beautiful weather returning, we thought we would have some friends over to roast marshmallows.
Here's Darrin cutting the wood. We all made fun of him for playing Paul Bunyan with wood that wasn't much larger than twigs.

This is what Kevin & Matt were doing while Darrin was cutting the firewood. Oh, and of course making fun of him.

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
I feel like I've kind of had a relapse in my recovery from the c-section. I was feeling great and it seemed that my pain was gone. Now, I have 2 issues. First, I have had a severe headache for 2-3 weeks straight. I've tried everything....Aleve, Excederin, Motrin, muscle relaxers, hot baths, heating pad, walking, stretching, resting....nothing helps. I go to bed with it and wake up with it. I am getting a massage today hoping it will relieve some tension. Second, I'm having pain just above my incision. It is tender to the touch, and it seems that the muscles hurt too. It hurts to use the muscles at all...to sit down, stand up... This started last weekend but seems to get worse everyday.
I went for my 6 week check up with my OBGYN yesterday. He gave me migrane medicine but is not convinced this is the problem. He told me to follow up with my family doctor. He did not think it was a spinal headache b/c it started 3 weeks after I had Miles. And, he does not think it is postpartum preeclampsia due to the timing as well. He also said the pain around my incision was normal and would get better. I hope he's right but am still curious if anyone that reads this blog can help.
I really want to feel better. I do not want to spend my time off with Miles not feeling good. If you can offer any advice, even if it is to say that all of this sounds normal, please leave a comment or call me. Thanks.