
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shake, Rattle & Roll

One of Darrin's volleyball players got Miles some foot & wrist rattles. They are so cute. Yesterday was the first time he's played with them. He smiled and kicked a lot. I kept trying to capture it on video but never timed it correctly. This video is cute, but doesn't show how much fun he really had with them.

I survived my first day back at work yesterday. It was so hard dropping him off at daycare....even more difficult than I thought it would be. I actually started crying on the way to the daycare, and I'm not much of a cryer. I had a million things I wanted to tell his teacher when we got there, but didn't manage to say anything. I just had to walk out. Darrin went with me, probably to peel me away if necessary. I felt like my heart was being ripped out. His teacher text me mid morning to let me know that he was doing great and had not cried at all. I was so appreciative of the text. When I got there to pick him up every baby in the room was crying. I looked around and couldn't find Miles. It was kind of chaotic in there at the moment....finally one of the teachers pointed to his crib. He was sound asleep! Precious.

Also, he started sleeping through the night this weekend. Right in time for nice of him. Last week he started sleeping longer and longer each night. Finally, on Sunday morning we woke up and realized it was 6am!!! Then, Monday we had to wake him up at 7am....this morning we woke him up at 6:30am. His trend has been that once he starts doing something, he doesn't regress. Let's hope it's the same with sleeping through the night.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you had such a rough time leaving him that first day. I know how you feel. If you're like me you'll cry every time he moves up to a new classroom, too.
    How is being back at work going? Do you feel like a newbie all over again like I did after being semi-off work for 3 months?
