The daycare has two of these castles and he panics every day when I pick him up b/c he doesn't want to stop playing with it. It was a very spur of the moment decision but so far he has really enjoyed it. Hopefully it doesn't become one of those barely used toys.
Miles spent the day on Saturday at Granny's house playing with his cousins, Olivia and Ava. He could not wait for them to get to our house to pick him up...

Off to Granny's house....
I spent the day getting random things done around the house that I never would have been able to do with a certain three year old here. I wrapped up my to do list in time to watch Darrin's game online, which they won...

I drove to Darrin's parent's house to get Miles when the game was over. It was clear Miles had a great day. I think they played outside all day, which he loved. He fell asleep half way home. I was torn about what to do....let him sleep or wake him up??? It was 6:15pm....let him cat nap this late in the day....or lay him down for the night? He really needed a bath, but the kid is a disaster if he is woken up before he's ready. So....I laid him in his bed at 6:15pm and decided to let him sleep as long as he would.
I have to admit, I enjoyed laying on the couch, controlling the remote, nothing to do except relax and wait for Darrin to get home.....then, I heard Miles' door open around 8:45pm. Oh no. I was afraid we were in for it but he stayed awake, barely, for 45 minutes. It was just long enough to eat some yogurt, get a drink, and go to the bathroom. He fell back asleep by 9:30pm and didn't wake up until 7am. Whew....
Today, we went to church, had Darrin's mom down for lunch, watched football, played with the castle, and that's about all. It's been a really lazy day. Lazy days are good, I need them, all three of us do, but I've been so bored. Why is that? Anyway... Darrin was the only one that took a nap, so Miles and I will probably be calling it an early night. I'm pumped about the premieres of the Amazing Race and the Good Wife. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough to watch them. Busy week ahead, as usual. Have a great week everyone!