We had an extremely busy day and as usual we have pictures to prove it.....so here goes...
Miles woke up ready to go. First thing this morning, he climbed on my bed and said, "Momma, you ready for the show?" I said, "Yes, I am"....not really sure what that meant. He started dancing....then told me to eat popcorn.....then told me the show was over.

The three of us went to get donuts...

Darrin took Miles golfing for the first time. Some of Darrin's friends were playing & he really wanted to go but I had a hair appointment so taking Miles was the only option. He was a little hard to manage just b/c he's 2, but overall I think he did

Miles riding with Mr. Tommy & "Spoon" as Miles calls him. I love this picture.

He fell asleep before they got out of the parking lot at the golf course. His nap continued after they got home. I woke him up at 3:30pm to take him to the St. Patrick's Day parade. We watched the parade with his friend, Avery Reece.

The parade lasted about 10 minutes, but he enjoyed it so that was fine with me. His back pack was for all the candy.

After the parade, we watched some basketball on TV and then went to a cookout. Some of our friends had a baby very prematurely and had to spend several months in Nashville. This was a welcome home cookout for them. We live near them, so a few neighbors got together and hung out. The kids had a blast.

It was a really pretty night...

The girls...

The kids were all muddy messes when the night was over...

Miles & Ansley playing with flashlights...

No pictures, but I also spent two hours getting my hair highlighted and went to a consignment sale, and Darrin cut the grass. Miles didn't get up once after going to bed tonight. He was exhausted. I am tired too, but what a fun day. Hopefully tomorrow will be the exact opposite of today....lots of R&R.