So...I took a little, unintentional break from blogging. I've been off work for a week & a half and any resemblance of a routine has been nonexistent. You would think I would have had more time for things like blogging, but it just didn't happen. We spent Christmas Eve morning with Darrin's family, and then that night and Christmas day with my family, and then celebrated again with Darrin's family on the 27
th. The rest of our vacation has been consumed with potty training, organizing &
decluttering the house, and playing a LOT of Monopoly on the
It's been a fun & productive vacation, but I think Darrin and I are both ready to go back to work. I have so much to blog about that it feels overwhelming. Posting Christmas pictures feels way too daunting for tonight, so I opted for our first trip to Build A Bear. Here goes...
To my dismay, Miles loves stuffed animals. I always said that I would not waste money on stuffed animals (dust collectors) for my child, but he really loves them. He plays with them, totes them around, sleeps with them, etc. So, we got him a Build A Bear gift certificate for Christmas. Darrin, my mom and I took him the day after Christmas to redeem it. The rule was that he got to pick out whatever he wanted and there was to be no steering or influencing him.
Darrin and Miles studied the bears to find the exact one that Miles wanted. This bear was a close second, but did not make the final cut...

After his bear was chosen, it was off to stuff him. He like to push the pedal and fill him with "snow"...

Getting a heart for his bear...

Time to sew him up...

...and give him a bath...

After he picked out his clothes and accessories, it was time to name the bear. When Darrin asked him what his name was, he said "Rumpelstiltskin" without hesitation.

Waiting for Rumpelstiltskin to be dressed...

And there you have it...the finished product...a
camo bear, in a Titans' jersey, with Converse shoes, holding a football. Excellent choice. Clearly he was not influenced by anyone b/c we never could have created such an awesome bear.

He was very proud and carried him through the mall as long as he could...

Sweet dreams Rumpelstiltskin...
He could have at least chosen an easier name for you to type as you blogged about the bear. :) I love it!