I pretty much liked the colors that were already in house and have lived with the window treatments b/c new ones are expensive and I don't really know where to get started with that. The one room that I have always wanted to change is the kitchen. I've never cared for the nursery yellow color & lack of any decoration whatsoever. Not sure why it took four year to buy a can of paint, but I finally decided to.
I see all these fabulous kitchen remodels on TV....that's not really what I was going for. I just wanted a better color on the wall and a slightly decorated look. I didn't want to spend a fortune b/c I'm not sure how long we'll be in this house. As I've mentioned before, we like to move. The fact that we've lived here for four years is nothing short of a miracle. And, if I was being completely honest I would tell you that we looked a house last week and are looking at another one tomorrow. So....didn't want to invest much, but did want to lose the baby yellow.
My mom came up over President's weekend to help. She's my partner in crime when it comes to stuff like this. For that, Darrin is extremely grateful.
I realized a couples hours after we got started that I forgot to take before pictures. Major no, no. I think you'll still be able to catch my drift.
It looks great, Jennifer!