We took Miles to Build A Bear to spend the rest of his gift certificate from Christmas. You can read about our first experience at Build A Bear
here. We left with a
camo bear, in a football jersey, wearing basketball shoes....named

On the way there, Miles kept saying he wanted two
Rumplestiltskins. Sure enough....after looking at the bears again, he wanted the exact same bear. We really didn't care and were about to let him get it....b/c that's not at all a battle that we care about...but then a girl working there held up a rabbit and he was sold.
He stuffed him, gave him a bath, picked out a soccer outfit, and then it was time to name him. We were very curious about what he would come up with this time.
Please meet.....Winne the Pooh....

This picture pretty much says it all. He's far more interested in the
Pez dispenser he's holding, than he is about Winnie the Pooh. As soon as we left the store, he was over him. And with that, we are over Build A Bear.
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