Miles & I have been by ourselves today. He decided that we should start our day at 5:45am. Lucky me. We made blue pancakes and then I did a few things around the house while he watched Toy Story 2. I am not a fan of him watching a lot of TV but I haven't felt great lately and I needed to get a few things done, including a shower.
We visited with some friends that were in town for an hour this morning and then came home to play outside for a little while. The weather was beautiful. After two falls in our muddy back yard, and two outfit changes, I decided it was time to eat lunch and take a nap. Thankfully Miles agreed.
After a two hour nap, we went to see the
Lorax. He insisted on taking his back pack with puzzle pieces inside. You never know when you might need to work a puzzle in the middle of a movie theater.

His beautiful blue eyes are very sensitive to sunlight, so this was the best of four pics...

The movie was cute and he was glued to it the whole time. He got a little scared during a few parts. I don't understand why kids movies have scary parts. Don't they realize how easily they are frightened? Not to be upstaged by Daddy, who usually takes him to the movies, I got him popcorn, gummy snacks, a drink, and M&Ms.

After the movie we played outside for a little while. He's taking about
Lorax here...

Then we took Mack for a walk. Miles did really well holding the leash until he saw some other kids riding their big wheels and decided he wanted which point he dropped the leash and headed for home. Then our little Yorkie tried to attack another Yorkie....and it was time to go home.

Fun day. I'm tired. Ready for Darrin to come home. That's all.
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