Sunday, January 31, 2010
I really felt like the MRI was completely unnecessary but I followed through with it just so I could check it off the list and then get on with finding the problem. I can't explain what a relief it is to hopefully have an answer. When I walked out of the office on Friday, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
Grizzlies Game
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
All Played Out
This is always the site I see when I arrive home and open the back door to get him out.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
So Classic
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Ava & Miles

Darrin & Miles finally got to feeling better on Wednesday.....and then I had another episode with my headaches starting that night. I went to work on Thursday, but only made it until 11. I left in tears b/c my head hurt so badly. I went to the doctor that afternoon, which makes my 3rd visit to this doctor. He drew blood to test for a few things and then scheduled an MRI for next week. He also gave me a shot of Demerol. The Demerol made me sick before I even left the office, but did take the pain away temporarily. I was in bed all day Friday. I felt better when I woke up on Saturday and haven't had a headache all weekend until about an hour ago :(
Everyone keeps saying it's got to be stress, but I really don't think it is. There are too many other symptoms that I don't think I would have if it was just stress.....nausea, stiff neck, joint pain, and ridiculous fatigue.... I'm hopeful that the blood test will show something....maybe a vitamin deficiency or a chemical imbalance. You know, something easily treatable! Even though I really want an answer, I don't want the MRI to show anything.
I'm glad it's a new week which may lead to some answers but I am so nervous about work. I hate missing work. And, I'm anxious that I will get a headache or feel too fatigued to be productive. I am really busy right now and need to be able to get several things accomplished. The doctor always makes me feel comforted in that he is concerned and will do everything he can to figure this out. I pray he's right.
On another note...some friends of ours have an eight year old son that was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma. Please pray for Garritt as he begins chemo this week.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Still Sick

Darrin is still sick. He has the worst stomach virus I have ever seen. The doctor gave him Phenegran and told him to drink Sprite.....there's just not much you can do for a stomach virus. Without the details, this is seriously the WORST ever. He hasn't slept in 3 nights (even with Phenegran) and is achy from the fever. Really hope he gets better soon. It's been 4 days since he held Miles and he is really missing him.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sick Baby

I'm off tomorrow for MLK Day. I'm glad I have one more day to get both of them better.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Take Another Look

I wondered if Miles may actually look like me. He did when he was first born, but we thought he had outgrown it. This made me dig out the baby pictures.

While there may be some question when comparing baby pictures, I have no doubt that Miles will grow up, shave his head, and look like a's inevitable. Darrin's dad is the youngest of 12 children, so Darrin has around 100 cousins. You can spot a McClure man from a mile away. And, the older they get, the more they look alike.

Darrin & his dad...
This post makes it seem like I care, and I promise you I don't. I think my husband is hot, so I'd be happy for Miles to look like Darrin :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
January 5, 2009
Back up a year and a half.....July 2007. Darrin and I were driving home from my cousin's wedding in Bowling Green, KY and I asked Darrin if I needed to get my prescription for birth control refilled. I had been ready to have kids for a while but Darrin wasn't there yet. Every month I would tell him it was time for me to refill my prescription and then ask "Do I have to?" He would always say yes. I would usually follow that up with a quick, not too pressuring, comment about how we weren't getting any younger, and then move on. But, on this night he said no. I couldn't believe it!!! We were actually going to have a baby. The rest of the ride home we talked about baby names and random other baby topics. I was ecstatic, and I think Darrin was secretly pretty excited too.
When you decide to start trying to have a baby, I'm not sure anyone anticipates problems. You always just think it will happen. Over the next year and half I took tons of negative pregnancy tests. Any time I felt the slightest bit tired, or was one day late, I took a test. I know a year and a half isn't that long, and doesn't even signify problems, but when you decide to have a baby, even a couple months seems like forever.
In December of 2008, I finally decided to go to the doctor to see what the next steps were. I went for my visit and she explained some tests and even some fertility procedures that we could look into. I made a follow up visit for early January. At this point, I had given up on getting pregnant without help. Even though I was frustrated, I was encouraged that we had a new plan. I decided not to think about it at all until I went back for the next visit in January.
Now, back to Monday, January 5, 2009....I was leaving the gym and decided to go to Walmart to get a pregnancy test. I was 5 days late but had not taken a test b/c I did not want to see one more negative test. I walked into Walmart around 5:45am and bought the cheapest pregnancy test they had. Drove home to take the test. Darrin was still in bed and the house was quiet. I never told him what I was doing b/c I didn't want to get his hopes up at all.
So I took the test and waited. After only a few seconds it showed positive. What? Positive? Really? Surely not. Looked at it again. Got the box out of the trash to examine what a positive should look like verses a negative. I think it's really positive. OMG!!! So I ran to our bedroom and jumped on top of Darrin. Guess what? I'm pregnant! We were so thrilled. It was amazing. Just like everyone says...when you give up, it happens.
I had to get ready for work and then go and act like it was just a normal day even though nothing was normal. Then, I got nervous. What if I read the test wrong? Off Darrin went to Walmart with instructions to buy a digital test. I didn't want there to be any question.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Toys, Toys, Toys