This is definitely the sickest Miles has ever been. His fever has been gone since yesterday morning but he has no energy. He cries a lot and just wants to be held. We have obliged as much as possible. He did sleep in his bed last night for 12+ hours, which was great for everyone.
Tonight he ate a very good supper of roast and peas, and then it was time for a bath. After his bath he played in his room more than he has played in a week. It was so good to see him feeling a little better and having fun.
This is the first toy he "played" with (see
here). It converts into 3 stages as they grow. We are in the last stage....obviously the way he's crammed in there.

He still likes it...

Then, it was time to pick out the perfect book. The boy loves books. I'm so glad. He still loves So Big, and has finally branched out to others such as Wake Up Little One, Goodnight Gorilla, 5 Little Lady Bugs, Little Kitten, and The Little Engine That Could.

Fun times with my baby in the cutest
pjs ever. We got out of the footed pajamas during the summer but I started back just b/c I love them so much.
And now for some meaningless chatter...
1) I C-A-N-N-O-T believe the Titans picked up Randy Moss. I thought it was so funny when New England dropped him. Not so funny now that he's on MY team. I'm very upset about this.
2) I've kind of started working out this week. I'm not going to act like I'm all committed until we see if I actually am. My goal is a modest 3 days a week. No reason to set unattainable goals. I hope this is where I turn the corner.
3) I'm on Day 6 with no caffeine. It has been incredibly difficult. I knew I would have headaches (like that's something new) but I didn't expect the dizziness, nausea and fatigue. Days 3 & 4 were the worst. Yesterday I felt good and didn't have a headache. Today I have had an
excruciating headache all day. I started drinking caffeine while I was on maternity leave so I thought it might be the source of my headaches. The jury is still out on this one.
4) The high tomorrow is 60. Very excited about this. I love cold weather, especially until after the holidays. Then I kind of get over it.
5) My project for the weekend is to organize my pantry. Right now it is a disaster. It's like a storage closet with food in it.
This guy came to speak at our church a couple weeks ago. I can't stop thinking about his story. He was abused by his father from age 5 on. Stories like this tend to haunt me for a while. It makes me sick to my stomach to think there are kids going through this all around me.
Sorry to end on a downer but I'm sleepy and ran out of things to say. Good night, sleep tight.