We took Miles to see Dr. Bates today for his 15 month well visit. I thought it would be fun to look back at several pictures from our previous visits.

9 weeks...

6 months...

8 months... (and one of my favorite pictures ever!)

9 months...

Today...15 months...

Miles weighs 24lb 12oz (55
th percentile) and is 32" tall (76th percentile). They don't measure his (perfectly sized) head anymore now that he's a big boy! I scheduled the visit for 11am, which is probably the worst time I could have picked. He was hungry and tired b/c they eat lunch at 10:45am and then take a nap at daycare. He did pretty well but didn't like sitting on the table at all. He just wanted to be held. We took turns while trying to carry on a conversation with Dr. Bates.
He's been drinking soy milk since he got off formula b/c regular milk broke his face out and made him very congested. Hoping he's grown out of it, we are trying milk again beginning tomorrow. Our plan is to mix it with soy milk for a couple of days to try to ease him back into it and see if he can handle it. It sure would be cheaper and more convenient. Fingers crossed.
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