When it comes to changing from a crib to a toddler bed and also potty training, I've always said I was going to wait until Miles was two and a half, which would be around December. That seemed like a good time b/c Darrin is slow that time of year and both of us have time off of work. My plan was to learn from others that tried to potty train too early and regretted losing the crib before they really had to. I'm not sure what in the world caused me to change plans, but here we are...since Miles was born, I've followed my gut and this is no different.
I learned of the
3 day potty training method and bought into it like I did
Babywise. We are going to attempt the 3 day plan in a couple weeks. Even though it doesn't say it's necessary, I thought it would be better for him to be in a toddler bed so he could get out if he needs to go to the bathroom. We thought we'd switch his bed now and give him a couple weeks to adjust before we start the potty training.
Tonight Darrin changed the bed, and Miles "worked" too. That's what he kept saying as he played with the screwdriver...

He was so excited about his bed...

He climbed up and down...

When it came time to go to bed, he was still very excited about it. He climbed right up in there and went to sleep. We never heard a peep from him. We are really hoping that his good sleeping habits continue with this transition. Another benefit is that he can get his animals in and out himself. Praise the Lord. We are constantly retrieving Buzz, Woody, Teddy and Mickey from the crib so he can play with them.
On another note, we bought the insert for the toilet and tons of underwear tonight. He was so excited about his potty seat that he wanted to go immediately. He actually pee peed in the potty twice tonight! That feels like an even bigger milestone than the bed. He's showing so much interest in the potty that I don't think we would have ever been able to wait until December.
He's grown up so much lately, and he's conquering new things. We are so proud of Miles tonight.