
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Weekend Wrap Up

We took Carson to see his first movie this weekend! He loves Frozen, so we knew we had to take him to see Frozen II. We went to Pizza Rev first b/c that's Carson's favorite....probably b/c he's only been to a handful of restaurants.

Interesting story...Carson hated my poncho. He kept saying "I not like that. You take that off." He did the same thing when I was wearing an apron the day before. He despised the poncho so much that he would not let me buckle him into his car seat. He was screaming, back arched, laying over the arm of the car seat saying, "You not do it with that on". I don't understand this kid. I haven't quite figured out what makes him tick. He's very particular about what he wears, but I remind him that he doesn't get to tell me what I wear. 

We have two very reasonable movie theaters close to our house, but we decided to take him to a really nice theater since it was his first movie. 

He did really well for about an hour and then he was done. He wasn't being bad, but he was talking loudly and was disruptive, so I took him out and we walked around the lobby. 

Truth be told, I think he was distracted by the arcade area in the lobby. I told him that we could play games after the movie, so when he got a little bored I think he remembered the games. I held true to my word and didn't let him play any games until the movie was over. I knew if I ever let him that he would remember that next time and not make it though a movie until he was ten. He sat in the cars and pushed all the buttons, but nothing worked until the movie was officially over.

They each got a couple dollars to play. It will be a while before we take him again and then we might try one of the theaters closer to our house since they don't have games :)

The boys were excited this morning to discover that an elf had come to our house over night. Miles said the elf comes every December 1st and he was right!

We put up our indoor Christmas decorations yesterday. We had to wait until today to decorate outside b/c it was raining. My mom gave us some hand me down reindeer and trees for the front yard. Miles loved putting the reindeer together.

Honestly, Christmas decorations aren't my favorite b/c they are a lot of work, but these two are worth it. Their smiles are rewarding.

It turned out so cute and I'm excited to drive home and see them everyday. 

I bought a few new decorations for my sun room this year and I love how cozy it looks. This tree has all the boys' homemade ornaments on it. I put the tree in a new spot this year and I'm really happy with it. I love that you can see it from the living room. I've been wanting a Christmas blanket like the one draped on the couch for a couple years, so I finally went and bought it yesterday. It was only $16.99 at Marshalls, so I'm not sure why I deliberated for so long.

After all the decorations were up today, Darrin had to go to his office for a little while. Carson wanted to go. Again, he jumps at any chance to get out of the house these days, Whether it be Darrin's office or Walmart, he's always in. It was so nice for me, b/c Miles and I were able to get so much done while they were gone. I paid some bills, did laundry, picked out the boys clothes for the week, and straightened up the house all while they were gone. Darrin sent me this pic of Carson "shooting bad guys" in his office.

We all chilled for a little while when they got home and then it was time for bed. I really struggled to get Carson to sleep towards the end of Darrin's season. We decided that once Darrin was home consistently at night, we would tackle bedtime and a few other things. Since the first night Darrin has been home, he's gone to bed every night without any trouble. I can assure you it's not b/c I was a pushover without Darrin here. I think he just feels more at peace when everyone is home. Darrin and I are already talking about some possible ways to manage his practice schedule when they start back up in the spring. We need to think about what is best for the boys even if it's not what is best for us. 

After being off work since last Wednesday, I am ready to go back. It's been a nice break that I needed, but I'm rested and ready to go again. I guess that's a good sign that I really like my job. Next weekend I have my annual girls trip so that is great motivation to get through the week!

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