
Friday, November 29, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Thanksgiving with Darrin's family in Kentucky. It rotates almost every year and this year it was at his aunt's house. We have hosted it twice, but our house is just too far to ask everyone to drive. We enjoyed visiting with family. Unfortunately, I did a terrible job taking pictures. I managed to take a few. 

Before kids, I never understood why people let their kids play and not eat at family functions. Now, I get it. They are too excited and it's not a battle worth fighting. This was basically Carson's Thanksgiving dinner....a pie of cake. He was happy about it though! He washed it down with a brownie.

The food was delicious. After the meal, Pa, Miles, and Darrin were clearly in a food coma.

Carson spent his afternoon working on the back patio...most of the time by himself. His cousin, Emma, joined him for a little while. 

He came in once b/c he was cold, but went back out as soon as I put on his coat. 

I figured something out about my family recently. Miles and Darrin enjoy downtime. 

They can spend hours laying around the house watching TV and playing video games. Carson and I cannot. He needs to an outlet for his energy. I'm going to try to be considerate of this going forward b/c I can totally relate.

I'm sad that I didn't get any pictures of the boys with Granny & Pa, but I did manage one with Aunt Crystal.

Miles and Carson are the only boys in the family, except one much older cousin, so he didn't have much to do all day. He was a trooper and mostly spent his day watching football. Granny brought a bunch of old pictures, so that was entertaining for everyone. It was a really good idea and there were lots of laughs. She let everyone take any of the pictures that they wanted, which was so nice.

As we were pulling out of the driveway to go home Carson said, "I so hungee (hungry)" so we stopped at McDonald's and both boys ate. 

I ended my night with some Black Friday shopping with Crystal. This is our 4th year to go. We never have a big agenda, but it's fun to get out and join the crowds. We rolled back home at 2:30am and both of us were completely exhausted. Another Thanksgiving in the books!

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