
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Less Words Wednesday

I've accumulated quite a few random pictures that I haven't blogged about, so I thought I would share them in this quick post with a just a few words.

Darrin recently spoke at an FCA fundraiser event. Carson insisted on going up there with him, but he got shy quickly and asked to be put down.

Darrin and I started working out at 9 Round over the summer and we are loving it. Even though we don't usually work out at the same time, it's fun to compare our workouts.

Since it's only a 30 minute workout, the boys can come along sometimes when we don't have another option. They like to watch and imitate later.

I moved into a new office (same building) at work recently and it is great. It's very private and I can get tons of work done.

We bought Miles' teachers some t-shirts just as a happy and then wore them on the same day without planning it. So, they took a pic with Miles and sent it to me. He is having an excellent year with them.

Miles and I went to eat by ourselves a couple weeks ago. He choose Genghis Grill. He was really happy about all the shrimp he piled in his bowl.

The same night, Darrin went out with Carson. Carson chose Taco Bell. We didn't intentionally plan one on one time with them, b/c it was more of a schedule thing, but it was good for them nonetheless.

Two of Miles' baseball teammates also play football, so he went to watch their game. He loves football and really wants to play, but we make him pick one sport per season and so far he's stuck with baseball.

I started reading The Strong-Willed Child by James Dobson. I hope it helps me understand Carson's little personality. The book is very affirming b/c it talks about the difference in some kids from birth. It explains how more or harsher discipline is not what is needed. So far my biggest takeaway is that you can't pick every battle with a strong-willed child, but when you decide that one is worth the fight you have to stand firm and "win decisively". I think I had already figured that out, but it's good to hear that you can't pick every battle even though it's really tempting for the sake of discipline.

Miles is playing travel basketball this year. It's really just a basketball team that plays outside of our town, with no major travel and not an extensive schedule. It's several players from his baseball team and a couple other kids. He is very, very excited about it and confident with his skills, which is much different from baseball. 

We are all excited to have Darrin at home at night now that volleyball season is over. 

He's really cute when he sleeps :)

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