
Friday, September 6, 2019

Carson's First Trip to the Dentist

Carson had his first trip to the dentist. As I've mentioned on here before, our dentist is the best. Even before we moved here, we drove an hour for Miles to be able to go here. Miles was telling Carson how fun it was on the drive there and he was so excited for Carson to see the outside.

Ironically, Carson played with the train table in the waiting room. I say ironic b/c he has one at home and never plays with it. I'd like to sell it and free up space in my house, but I think that's a little premature.

Miles loves playing the video games while he waits. This is only a small section of the waiting room. They have tons of video games, Lego walls, and two train tables.

When it was Carson's turn, they asked him what movie he wanted to watch (on the TVs in the ceiling). We asked if they had Moana and he jumped right up to watch it. He watches it every single day at home.

The hygienist was amazed at how cooperative he was. I'm telling you, doctors and dentists are his thing. She asked if I thought he would like strawberry flavored toothpaste or mint. I said mint b/c he uses mint toothpaste at home. She was bragging to other hygienist about how good he was and said, "he even has mint toothpaste" :)

He got a balloon glove when he was finished and then checked up on Miles. He's actually giving him a kiss here.

Miles was very proud of him. Apparently the dentist can be fun.

They said his teeth looked great and his spacing looked good too. Miles is still cavity free. They always brag about his teeth. He does a really good job taking care of them. He flosses every day and brushes twice a day, once for two minutes and the other is usually a rushed job. We bought him a Quip electric toothbrush and that has really helped. We used to make him set the timer on Alexa for 2 minutes, but the Quip toothbrush times it for you. It buzzes every 30 seconds to tell you to move to the next quadrant of your mouth. I highly recommend for kids.

It was a successful trip to the dentist!

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