
Thursday, January 4, 2018

One on One Time

Darrin and I each got a little one on one time with the boys tonight. Darrin took Miles to the Union basketball games. Darrin's team is going to Nicaragua on a mission trip this summer, so they are having some bake sales during the basketball games. Darrin said Miles was having a blast. I'll have to take his word for it since this picture isn't very convincing.

Carson and I kept things really simple. I finished work a little early tonight due to a doctor's appointment so I rushed home to do a few things before going to pick up Carson. I folded some laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, and straightened up the house. My goal was to be able to just play with him and not worry about these things. I was able to get it all done twice as fast without him here. We picked up Sonic on the way home so I didn't have to cook. Just like his brother, he ate his entire cheeseburger and left the fries. What is it with my boys not liking fries??

Then, we played. He loves this little jack in the box Mickey toy that Granny & Pa got him for Christmas. It's all fun and games until you won't put Mickey back in the box for the one hundredth time.

Carson is learning to give kisses. He's pretty stingy with them, but I managed to get one tonight.

After a good night kiss, it was time for bed. Bedtime has been a little bit of a challenge after our trip to my mom's house. It's funny how three nights can wreck his lifelong bedtime routine. Luckily it only took two nights of some tough love to get him back in the groove. Tonight when I laid him down, he was happy to be in his crib and went to sleep without a sound. Now it's time for me to enjoy a few minutes of alone time before Darrin and Miles get home.

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