Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Our Little Helper
Miles loves to help us with whatever we are doing. When we bring in groceries, it's his job to put the water in the refrigerator...

Last weekend, Darrin took care of a few little projects around the house. Miles was right there to help...

At some point, Darrin really needed him to move out of the way so I lured him away with an episode of Jake & the Neverland Pirates. Just before he walked away, he put his hammer down and told Darrin that he would leave it for him to use.
Tonight I was sorting through mail & of course he said, "Momma, I help you". I told him that I really needed him to throw some papers away & asked if he could do that. His response was, "I sure can, Momma". May he always be so helpful.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Plans & No Plans
We had no plans this weekend. None at all...except church on Sunday. I always like weekends like that, but the problem is...when we do have a free weekend, the first thing I do is try to find something for us to do. Today turned out to be a good mix of plans & no plans.
This morning we just hung around the house & played. Darrin & Miles played outside for a while. Miles helped me bake a cake. We had an event at church and I signed up to bring a cake...

I promise to anyone that might have eaten my cake tonight....the spoon did not go back on the cake after he licked it....he was well supervised....
This afternoon, some friends of ours, Ricky & Mitsie, asked if we wanted to go bowling. What a great idea. I try to think of fun stuff for Miles to do all the time and I've never thought of bowling. They even had little bowling shoes in his size...

He liked to shoot the pins with his "gun"...
He got bored waiting for four people to bowl in between his turns....
....but he found ways to entertain himself...

It seemed to hold his attention for most of the night. It must have worn him out b/c he didn't get up once after we put him to bed. It wore me out I'm off to watch TV. Hope everyone is having a great weekend filled with plans & no plans.
This morning we just hung around the house & played. Darrin & Miles played outside for a while. Miles helped me bake a cake. We had an event at church and I signed up to bring a cake...
It seemed to hold his attention for most of the night. It must have worn him out b/c he didn't get up once after we put him to bed. It wore me out I'm off to watch TV. Hope everyone is having a great weekend filled with plans & no plans.
Friday, February 24, 2012
We Didn't Get the Memo
I had to go out of town for work a couple of days this week. It appears that Darrin & Miles survived just fine without me. They went to the movies, played disc golf, ate Mexican, rented a movie, and got donuts in the two nights & three days I was gone. In all the fun, they missed that today was Sports Day at daycare. The kids were supposed to dress like their favorite sports team. Imagine my surprise when I dropped my child off in a guitar shirt.

I called Darrin as soon as I got back in the car to tell him that if our child decides to join the band, that one is on him. No offense intended for any band friends....that's just not how we imagined living vicariously through him.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Donut Thursday
Darrin takes Miles to a donut shop on Thursdays before taking him to daycare. Miles has come to love Donut Thursdays. He remembers what the day is as soon as he wakes up. Today was his first experience with powdered donut holes. Darrin said he kept blowing the powdered sugar on him. I know this picture is off center, but I love it anyway.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Let It Snow
Friday, February 17, 2012
Bed Buddy
When Miles was a baby, we never let him sleep with us. We were very strict about creating good habits, and plus he was a major wiggle worm. The fact that he would climb on me all night like a jungle gym, made it very easy to just say no to him sleeping with us.
We still don't let him sleep with us often. The rule is...he can get in bed with us after his clock turns green (which is 6:15am)....mostly on the weekends b/c we are still in bed. Lately, he hasn't been sleeping as well as usual. He'll walk to our room in the middle of the night or stay in his bed and cry for us. We try to take him back to his bed or even let him sleep on the couch. But every now and then, it's just not worth the fight....especially at 2 or 3am. He's not the wiggle worm he used to be, which means I can actually get some sleep even with him in our bed. And, I must admit that I love having him with us. I think Darrin agrees...
I totally see why parents get sucked into their kids sleeping with them. There's nothing like snuggling with your kid. Surely we have set enough of a standard that we won't ruin him by giving in every now and then.
We still don't let him sleep with us often. The rule is...he can get in bed with us after his clock turns green (which is 6:15am)....mostly on the weekends b/c we are still in bed. Lately, he hasn't been sleeping as well as usual. He'll walk to our room in the middle of the night or stay in his bed and cry for us. We try to take him back to his bed or even let him sleep on the couch. But every now and then, it's just not worth the fight....especially at 2 or 3am. He's not the wiggle worm he used to be, which means I can actually get some sleep even with him in our bed. And, I must admit that I love having him with us. I think Darrin agrees...

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Valentine Party
I went to Miles' Valentine party at daycare on Tuesday afternoon. As soon as I got there, my demanding child started with his requests..."Momma, you sit here"...of course I obliged. After all, I was there for him :)

After snack time, they played with a gooey pink mess...
...which he did not like, and immediately washed his hands and moved on to something else...
Apparently Miles didn't like the way Alex was playing with the toys...
Alex is like, "whatever dude"...
Then the hugging began. Collin started it all...
Amelia is like, "get this kid off of me"...
Alli didn't seem to mind even though there doesn't seem to be much reciprocation going on...
Sweet friends...
...and some cool dudes...
So glad I get to spend some time with my little Valentine at his party. After the party, we went home where he opened a package from my mom.
Valentine's Day was A.O.K. in his book...and mine too.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
We're Ready
Miles & I made Valentines for his friends. He helped type the letters to make messages for his friends...
...waited for them to print...
....put the messages on hearts...
...added his own touch to each message...

....stuck the hearts on the candy...

...and just like that....we're ready for his party at daycare tomorrow...
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