Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Quick Visit From My Brother Jeff
One of my brothers (I have four) made a quick visit to West Tennessee today. Jeff is a retired Air Force pilot and now owns a plane. He was flying home to Wichita Falls, Texas, from Nashville, and decided to stop in Union City to see us. We went to breakfast and then Jeff took Darrin for a trip. Even though Jeff is one of the most competent people I know, I wasn't disappointed that I had a doctor's appointment and would miss a free plane ride. Darrin, on the other hand, loved it.

24 Weeks
The purpose of this blog was to share our pregnancy journey and new baby with everyone. However, I really do not like continually posting pictures of only me!!! So, I thought I would at least include Mack in this one since he was being so good.
I'm very happy to report that I am now 6 months, and am in the 3rd trimester!!! I went to the doctor this morning. All was well again. I did learn that my doctor is moving. I have decided to go back to Dr. Wynstra, which is the doctor I saw before my current doctor. The only reason I ever left him was insurance changes which have been resolved now.
Even though it is a little nerve racking to make the change at 6 months, I have to say I'm a little excited. I contemplated going back to him when I found out I was pregnant but didn't for convenience sake (Dr. Wynstra's office is in Mayfield, KY....about a 30 minute drive). This has given me the incentive I needed. I guess the Lord had it in His plan all along. So, our baby will be born in Kentucky, which I'm sure makes Darrin happy.
Even though it is a little nerve racking to make the change at 6 months, I have to say I'm a little excited. I contemplated going back to him when I found out I was pregnant but didn't for convenience sake (Dr. Wynstra's office is in Mayfield, KY....about a 30 minute drive). This has given me the incentive I needed. I guess the Lord had it in His plan all along. So, our baby will be born in Kentucky, which I'm sure makes Darrin happy.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Nursery is Finished!
Here are a some pictures of the nursery. We still need to hang a few pictures on the walls, but I am thrilled to have this much finished. I'm excited to have a baby shower so I can start filling it up. Since I don't know what we are having, I have only bought one thing for the baby, which has been great for our checkbook. The one thing I bought was..............................a Titan's jersey!!! The baby will be here just in time for football season! Baby boy or girl must be ready.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Ava Saying Goodbye to Baby "Herman"
Two of our six nieces, Olivia & Ava, came to visit yesterday. Ava is 2. She is very intrigued by the baby. She always hugs the baby and talks to the baby. At Easter, she even tried looking up my dress to find the baby.
Darrin & I still have not agreed on names......Herman will not be the baby's name. :)
By the way, Happy Mother's Day Mom, Glenda, and Parke! Hope you all have a great day!
Darrin & I still have not agreed on names......Herman will not be the baby's name. :)
By the way, Happy Mother's Day Mom, Glenda, and Parke! Hope you all have a great day!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Meet Mack & Bobo
This is Bobo. He's 8. Darrin had Bobo before we were married. He actually gave him to me before we were dating b/c he was moving into an apartment and couldn't have dogs. Then, we starting dating and the rest is history. Bobo does not like kids. He actually doesn't really like anyone. He tolerates us b/c we feed him. We bought a baby doll that cries to try to get him used to the noise. He's not having it, and has made zero improvement. He actually tries to attack the doll. Before you call Child Services, he weighs a total of 7 lbs and couldn't hurt anything even if he wanted to. After talking with the vet, we may try doggie Zanax. Yes, they make it. We'll let you know how it goes....
This is Mack. He's 7. We got him right before we got married. He loves us and will love the baby. He's a very happy dog and just likes to be around people. He LOVES Bobo even though Bobo really could do with or without him. Very sweet dog...
This is why they might have a difficult time adjusting to a baby in the house. This is our typical night on the couch. Spoiled rotten.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
22 weeks
I'm 22 weeks today. That's about all there is to say really. Fortunately things are going smoothly...we just counting down the weeks.
The baby furniture arrived yesterday. Darrin started putting it together last night. There are a million pieces, so we are just working on it a little at a time. Here is a pic of the changing table, minus a few drawers, which may be assembled later tonight. And, the cute bunny on top was a baby gift we received tonight. It is adorable. As soon as the book case is finished the bunny will have a permanent home.

I would love to post more often, but things are kind of boring right now. What a blessing.
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