This is Bobo. He's 8. Darrin had Bobo before we were married. He actually gave him to me before we were dating b/c he was moving into an apartment and couldn't have dogs. Then, we starting dating and the rest is history. Bobo does not like kids. He actually doesn't really like anyone. He tolerates us b/c we feed him. We bought a baby doll that cries to try to get him used to the noise. He's not having it, and has made zero improvement. He actually tries to attack the doll. Before you call Child Services, he weighs a total of 7 lbs and couldn't hurt anything even if he wanted to. After talking with the vet, we may try doggie Zanax. Yes, they make it. We'll let you know how it goes....
This is Mack. He's 7. We got him right before we got married. He loves us and will love the baby. He's a very happy dog and just likes to be around people. He LOVES Bobo even though Bobo really could do with or without him. Very sweet dog...
This is why they might have a difficult time adjusting to a baby in the house. This is our typical night on the couch. Spoiled rotten.

If you have any tips for helping dogs adjust to new babies, please leave a comment. Please save the stories about getting rid of your dogs.....we've heard plenty of those. That is LAST resort even though I know many people have done it.
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