
Sunday, April 30, 2023

April Wrap Up

Nothing has been wrong to keep me away, just busy as usual. I sure hate to not be able to blog like I used to, but there's just no way with our schedules. I thought an April wrap up would be a good way to unload some pictures and document some memories. Lots of pictures ahead!

The biggest update from the last month (and a half) is Miles shattered his middle knuckle. He turned into a pitch and it hit his right hand. Darrin and I had no idea how bad it was until after the game because we didn't go over to the dugout. 

We knew he was pulled from the game, but still had no idea until the coach told Darrin after the game that we needed to take him. An x-ray that night showed a crack.

A follow up visit to the ortho the next day revealed that it was even worse than we thought. He is 5 weeks into a 8 week recovery. The upside is that he did not require surgery. After 5 weeks, it is still bruised and a little swollen. He still can't make a closed fist.

Not playing the rest of the middle school season was extremely disappointing, but he has handled it better than I ever could have imagined. His friend, Nate, was with us that night and for both appointments. I think that was divine intervention because it really helped Miles to have him there. 

There has been a lot of freezing cold baseball.

He's so tall! He's up to 5'7" and 130lbs.

We got a new couch which was LONG overdue. We still need to decorate the wall, but we are loving it. The before picture is so bad, I'm not even posting it.

I love spending time with my friends at the baseball field.

We lost our Apple TV remote years ago. When they loaded the couch up to get rid of it, they heard it fall inside the couch. They found the remote and a key fob for a car.

More cold baseball. We spent a weekend in Southaven which was the coldest day of baseball I have experienced in our 7 years of baseball. In between innings, I got all the way inside my sleeping bag.

This is how we got rid of our couch. It was so bad I wouldn't even donate it.

His first middle school game. Not making the team as a 6th grader motivated him like nothing else.

Sometimes baseball tournaments are a lot of sitting around and resting in the car between games. 

The moms after a long weekend of baseball. I said we were the real MVPs.

Three generations.

Another cold night of baseball. That's been the theme this spring season.

Marmee watched Carson one of the cold days. We were so thankful. Miles was very wind burned from that day!

As I've said before, only one boy on Miles' travel team doesn't go to school with Miles. He and Miles are tight. There's always a hug goodbye when they part ways until the next time.

This resonated with me. I wish I had the nerve to delete social media. I think that would go a long way to unplugging.

Love this picture of Miles.

Love these friends.

Winning is fun! This might have been the last tournament that Miles' played before he got hurt. I can't remember. This was the really cold weekend.

I wrote Carson's chores on the chalkboard because I knew he would like marking them off on there. I was right. He was so motivated to get through his list. Slowly, he's getting better at learning and helping to share his load around here. 

Easter was a beautiful day outside. 

While he's been hurt, he's had an opportunity to call the pitches for his travel team. Bless those coaches for that.

I think it has saved him while he hasn't been able to play. He has LOVED 'helping' coach. It's been fun to see him find his way in a different capacity. 

The key to Easter baskets is to buy stuff that you would end up buying anyway. Among those items this year were new tennis shoes and baseball sunglasses for both boys. Miles said that his Easter basket is one of his favorite traditions.

Loving on Granny.

This was our only family Easter picture. We looked like we were going to a gender reveal party. I didn't intentionally coordinate us or maybe I would have noticed. 

Miles has a new girlfriend named Caroline.

We celebrated a friend's birthday at a local winery. You can bring your own food in, so I made a charcuterie board. It turned out so pretty!

We dyed Easter eggs with Marmee. I don't ever remember dying eggs with the boys. It may be a new tradition for us. 

Another picture from Easter.

I got a new role at work as the Community President in a neighboring town. I've been doing it for a month now and I'm loving it. The Community President retired and tomorrow will be my first day on my own. There's going to be a big learning curve getting to know all the customers, but it's going to be fun! I'm excited about it. I love working in the community where I live. It's fun to have my personal life cross with my working life more often. I'm busier at work than I have been in years. The days fly by right now. Time to get ready for the week ahead!

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