
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Less Words Wednesday

Carson is kind of obsessed with changing batteries. He thinks new batteries or letting something charge is always the answer.

The boys are definitely feeling a little caged up. Miles was shooting his BB gun in the air to watch the birds fly away. He is all legs BTW and I have no idea where he gets that from.

Snow days equal cooking and baking. We made some a fudge pie and topped it with hot fudge and ice cream. I like this fudge pie recipe because it's always stuff I have at home. All you do is combine: 1/2 cup all purpose flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, 2 eggs, and 2 Tbsp cocoa, and bake it in a pie dish at 325 for 25 minutes. 

I still had on an apron from dinner, so he put one on and called us the bakers.

Ahhh the metabolism of a 13 year old boy to be able to eat ice cream straight from the carton.

Homework with Carson is not fun. He gets so frustrated and it takes three times longer because of all the huffing and puffing.

Carson went with Darrin to Miles' hitting lesson this week. When Darrin sent me this picture, I could almost imagine Carson wondering when it would be his turn.

School was canceled for snow and ice today, so the guys worked on the house while I was at work. Miles sent me this picture of Darrin looking through from under the house. This is a hole where the dryer vents. It looks so creepy to me, like a bad guy is under our house!

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