
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Weekend Wrap Up

This is the most low key weekend we have had in a long time. Darrin was out of town. He text me on Friday to say that he landed in Omaha. I responded with, "ha ha, I thought you were in Indy". That pretty much sums up our life. I'm a pretty structured person, but being married to a coach for most of our marriage makes you learn to go with the flow and relax a lot. Carson and I spent most of the weekend together because Miles is a preteen and suddenly has a social life. Carson made a fort in his room.

This is the inside of his fort. He lived the life most of the weekend.

He played the fighting game with his stuffed animals a lot.

We did a sticker book together that I picked up at Dollar Tree on Friday. I thought it was much cuter than he did, but he was more impressed after we got into it. 

We also played some games. I would read for a while or do something around the house and then do something with him. That arrangement works pretty well for him, especially when you mix in some time outside, even if it's just a walk to the end of the driveway.

Miles had a joint birthday party for two of his very good friends, Nate and Davis. Tons of his friends were there. They let Carson join in the fun too. 

It was a dodgeball party. All the parents said we should organize more of these play dates during the winter, because they loved it and got lots of energy out. So much better than video games on repeat.

Carson played outside for a while even though it was cold. He stayed out as long as he could stand it. 

Miles spent the night with a friend, so we snuggled and he watched TV while I read. 

I finished this book last night. I love Colleen Hoover, so I preordered her new book months ago. I couldn't wait to read it this weekend. It was great. I loved it so much.

We picked Miles up at his friend's house this morning and headed to church.

After church, I sat in the car, in the garage, to get a few moments of peace. There was a lot of fighting and arguing today which is my absolute least favorite thing. It makes me crazy.

Miles had his first baseball practice today! He does not like to play in long sleeves, so as soon as he warmed up, he was down to his jersey.

It was so good to be with my friends and enjoy being outside, even if it was very cold. The wind was chilly. 

Marmee came for dinner. Carson was really happy about that. We had roast and veggies. Carson told us how good it was with every bite. 

This has been one of the most restful weekends I have had in a long, long time. January and February tend to be like that for us. Darrin recruits a lot and we don't have much going on. Plus, it's cold, so it's the perfect time to chill at home. 

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