
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Snow Day

It's been a long snow day at home. Darrin had to go to work today, so I stayed home with the boys since school and daycare were both closed. Carson woke up and immediately said he wanted to paint. I think we painted last year when it snowed a lot, so he associates snow with painting. I'm happy for him to paint, but I usually get it all out and he paints for around five minutes. It entertained him for a little while today, so that was good.

We had a few things on our chores list, one being wash all the sheets in the house. Carson moved into Miles' old room and Miles moved into the guest room during the holidays, so Carson is sleeping in the loft bed. More on that in another post. When I threw everything off of the loft bed to take the sheets off, there were 6 pillows, 2 blankets, and 17 stuffed animals. When we made his bed later, we compromised with 5 pillows, 1 blanket, and 6 stuffed animals. 

They went out to play in the snow around 9am, but didn't last long. 

It was cold and they were kind of bored with just the two of them. Miles had to wear my jacket b/c his was too small. He was going to wear my snow boots, but they were too small for him!

They had hot chocolate when they came inside. We made hot chocolate and then stirred it with hot chocolate spoons that Santa put in their stockings. I didn't read the package and thought the spoon was just a marshmallow, so it was extra chocolaty. 

They had a few chores, before some down time playing video games and watching TV.

Carson has been pretty tough to introduce chores to, but he might be coming around. He emptied all the trash today with no help and little complaining. I sure hope he is turning a corner with this. We won't let it die, but fighting with him all the time is exhausting. I bragged on him and he was proud, so maybe we'll see some progress.

Two of the boys' friends came to play this afternoon. They moved down the street last year and we are so happy to have some boys close by. They played outside for just over two hours. I don't know how they made it out there. It was freezing. It's so nice that they are at the age where I can just check on them every 30 minutes or so. 

Santa put these in my stocking and I love them. They are buy one, get two free at Dick's right now. I am definitely going to get some more. They are more like socks than slippers, but I still wear them with socks to help keep my feet toasty.

Snacks and a puzzle were next on the agenda. He didn't get very far on the puzzle because he was tired and whiny from being outside.

We ended the night with two rounds of the Logo game and one round of Memory.

School and daycare have already been closed for tomorrow. Darrin will be staying home with the boys while I go to work. TGIF!!!

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