Carson's daycare is closed this week due to Covid, so he is spending the week split between Darrin, Marmee, Granny & Pa, and me. He ran an errand with Darrin on Monday morning which required them to be in the car quite a bit. Thank goodness he's a much better traveler these days.

Darrin dropped him off at my office late afternoon so I could take him to his Little Ninja class. I wish I could say he cut and drew quietly like this, but there was lots of talking and complaining about how my office is quiet and boring.

On the way home from Little Ninjas, everything was wrong. He gets in these moods that are best described as 'grippy'. When he gets like this, he literally complains about everything....why did you turn that way, going this way is boring, why are you driving so slowly, why did you look at me, the seat belt is messed up, I don't want my shoes on, I'm hungry, I don't want literally is one complaint after another. It's usually because he is tired or hungry or both. The only way to stop him is to very firmly tell him to stop and that you don't want to hear another word. Seconds after I told him that, he looked like this.
Being out of a routine is very hard for him. He needs structure, and a nap is really good for him even though he never takes one when he's not at school. It may be a long week!
I wanted to post some more pictures from Black Tie & Boxing. We ran into Darrin's assistant coach and her husband, who is the baseball coach at the same school. I told them we had to take a picture because the four of us being dressed up like this never happens.
Ginger is one of my favorite work peeps. I told her we had to get a picture to add to the bookshelf in my office. Now we have two to choose from.
Chuck is my boss and he's super fun to be around. I am very fortunate to work for him! He is the one that gave me a chance in my current role, so I am very thankful to him for that.
The event is a fundraiser for JDRF which raises money for type one diabetes research. We started going to this event years ago because one of couple friends has a daughter that was diagnosed. The boys had to get their picture with her poster.
Darrin and I went home when there were two fights left, but the boys stayed to the very end.
My sweet boy told me I looked nice when I went upstairs to get a picture with him :) He's still a little taller than me even with my heels on.
Darrin and I had a good time together. It was kind of a chill night. We used to rent MMA fights back in the day when that was a thing, so this event is always entertaining for us. It can be a wild night on the town for a lot of people, so the people watching is on point. Dinner was amazing too. The only problem is we were by a hallway and the air coming in was freezing. At the end of the night, I was ready for a warm truck and my warm bed!
These ladies work on the second floor with me and they are always up for fun. We had a good time the weeks leading up to it talking about what we were going to wear and exchanging pictures. After ordering 9 dresses online, I ended up wearing one in my closet that I had forgotten about. To say I annoyed myself with all that would be a major understatement.
Group pic of the employees. Our table was this close to the ring. During one fight, the fighter tore his bicep muscle and we were close enough to see it. It was rough to watch for sure. Another fighter dislocated his shoulder, but thankfully we didn't see that. It was definitely up close and personal.
The event raised a HUGE amount of money and I'm glad that we got to be part of it!
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