
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Carson Update

Carson is growing up before our very eyes. It's hard to believe that he will be three next month. Babies are so sweet, but there is something to be said for toddlers that can communicate and begin to do things for themselves. He is a passionate child that knows what he wants. But, for every enraged, screaming moment, he has a time when he is cracking us up. It's hard to predict his little personality, but for now, he is the exact opposite of Miles. Miles is extremely modest. He will hardly take his shirt off in our own yard. Then, there's Carson who rode his 'lawnmower' around the yard in his underwear which turned into his birthday suit before it was over.

His is still not the best eater in quality or quantity, although he is getting better. As I've said before, this is different from Miles too. We finally decided to get rid of his high chair b/c it was such a source of frustration. He would stay in it five minutes and then want out. We thought he might do better at the table. He is doing a little better, but he is soooooo messy. It makes me cringe when I see food falling all over the floor, but it's all part of the learning process and I'm reminded that the high chair was not a solution either.

He is doing okay with his transition to his new room at daycare. The notes that they send home always say that he had a great day. He usually sleeps the entire nap time and they say he's a great eater. Hard for me to imagine. He either likes their food better or he doesn't have anything else to do while they are sitting there. He was having a really hard time being dropped off in the gym b/c none of his friends are there when Darrin takes him. The director told us that we could take him to his old room and they would get him when his friends arrived. I thought that was such a nice suggestion. He is so happy to spend time with his former teacher. Darrin said when he gets there he walks right in and climbs in her lap. I think she enjoys seeing him too.

He's sleeping really well in his new bed. He goes to sleep without any trouble. Every now and then he will get up once, but then he walks back in without a fight. Miles was so challenging when it came to bedtime in his big boy bed, so this is such a nice surprise from Carson. The one problem we have is that he comes into our room almost every night. Last night we tried a Okay to Wake alarm clock that turns green when you can get up. I thought the chance of it working were slim to none, but he actually stayed in his bed all night. The clock was set to turn green at 6am. When I looked at the monitor at 6:30am I didn't see him, so I went to check on him. He was laying on his floor with the clock right in front of him waiting for it to turn green. He said, "It not turn green?" We don't know if it turned green and he pushed a button or if it never turned green at all. We bragged on him and told him he could come out. Who knew Carson could be such a rule follower :)

He's our Sour Patch Kid. Happy one minute and screaming the next. I think his personality is unique to our little family. His BIG personality brings a lot of  joy and life to our home.

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