
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend turned out much differently than expected. We were supposed to play baseball all weekend in Mississippi. We asked Darrin's parents if Carson could stay with them since we had a 2.5 hour drive and three days of baseball. We were all set to go, but in keeping with the rainiest spring I can remember in a long time, it was supposed to rain all weekend. Our team was given the option to back out of the tournament and so we did. That left us with a weekend at home and NO PLANS!!! We decided to take advantage of our time at home to work on potty training. This might go down as one of my all time favorite pictures. Miles was coaching Carson on how to potty. His big brother game is strong. 

Friday night, Darrin and I were in the living room late. I fell asleep and just hadn't made myself go to the bedroom yet. Around 1:30am, without a peep, Carson came strolling into the living room. He has climbed out of his crib a couple times, but not without a warning. We knew it was time to switch him to a big boy bed. Since we just bought Miles a new bed from Christmas, we had his old bed ready for Carson. Within a couple hours and less than $30, we had his new room ready to go. I was so thankful that we had everything b/c this transition was easy.

I knew a queen would be a little big in Carson's room, but we made it work. I know a queen is big for a toddler, but I like the option of laying down with him comfortably when needed, or using it for extra guests. Plus, I just think it's comfortable. I'm all about making beds as comfortable as possible. That is definitely something that my mom taught me. We are so busy and we need good rest to stay healthy, even little ones.

It is pretty crowded with the chair, but we aren't ready to part with that yet. Sitting in the chair and reading books is a nightly routine and it's been very effective for the last couple years. We are hoping we can continue with that and keep him sleeping as well as he has been. The room needs a few touches after we officially lose the changing station. For now, it is very functional.

For his first nap, Darrin read books and put him in bed. He started to get up, so Darrin sat in the chair for a few minutes and he felt right to sleep. He slept for just under four hours! I was shopping with a friend when Darrin text me to say that he had just gotten up. I was so happy to know that he was comfortable in his new bed. Obviously he loved it. He was very proud when he came walking in to the living room after his long nap. Darrin and Miles celebrated with him.

Last night was his first night. He came into our room in the middle of the night and got in bed with us. Our plan was to take him back to his bed, but I must have been so tired that I forgot. That's the plan again tonight if he comes back.

We also had a lot of time to work around the house. I worked inside on laundry and meal prep. Darrin and the boys worked outside. Miles and Carson checked on the garden. I bought Carson some new boots last Thursday. He said "thank you momma" at least five times.

We are all getting excited about everything that is growing!

Miles is most excited about the strawberries.

Miles took my phone to the garden and took a bunch of pictures. A lot of them had Carson posing. They know me and my blogging needs all too well.

Miles also cut the grass. He's only cutting the level parts this year. He did a great job and loved it. What a big help!

Lastly, we celebrated Mother's Day. My mom was out of town and Darrin's mom celebrated with his sister, so it was just our little family this year. They bought me several cards and some pretty roses. I also picked where we had dinner. My choice was take out from Panda Express. Keeping it classy around here. We have become a take out family since Carson came along and we may never go back. That is the way to go.

I love Carson's craft from daycare.

A friend sent me this and I thought it was spot on.

We are very thankful for our moms, for the love and support they provide us. And, I'm beyond grateful to be a boymom to these two. Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

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