
Monday, April 8, 2019

Weekend Wrap Up

I think the theme of the weekend was stressful, which is unfortunate b/c I was so looking forward to a weekend away with all four of us. Darrin was able to go to Miles' baseball tournament in Oxford, MS which doesn't usually happen during recruiting season. We didn't leave until Saturday morning. Miles had to finish a school project on Friday night that was due on Monday just in case his team did well and we ended up being there for a while on Sunday.

After scouring Auto Trader for a vehicle in our budget with a built in DVD player, I decided that was not in our future, so we bought a new contraption to hold the iPad so Carson could watch his shows in the car. His current shows are Paw Patrol, Frozen, AFV, and occasionally Tangled. Mostly just Paw Patrol though. This picture is highly deceiving. He looks so focused which lasted some of the trip and then was over. He kept intentionally kicking it off with his feet. I really, really want a car with a built in DVD player. 

After our three hour drive to Oxford, we wondered how in the world we were going to make it 8 hours to the beach this summer. I think we decided our options are to stop halfway and spend the night, or drive through the night. 

It turned out to be a pretty day for baseball on Saturday. It was actually hot, which I welcome. It's a very congested, busy ballpark, so it was a little challenging with Carson. He seemed to have fun, it just wasn't fun for me while I chased him around and tried to watch Miles at the same time.

Miles' team won one and lost one on Saturday. He played third most of the day except for the two innings he pitched. The first inning he pitched, he threw three pitches and got three outs! They all hit the first pitch and grounded out. Way to trust your defense!

During the second inning that he pitched, I looked up just in time to see him take a line drive to the head. Darrin ran out there with the coaches to check on him. It was a scary few minutes.

Thankfully, it looked much worse than it ended up being. He turned just right and the ball caught the bill of his hat, took his hat off, and grazed the top of his head. His coach said he started crying only when he told him that he had to come out. 

We watched him between games and decided that he was fine to play the next game. It was good to see him smiling and feeling fine. Very thankful for the Lord's protection.

The second game was played at a reject field off by itself. The field was less than ideal for the boys, but perfect for Carson. He played in the rocks and had more freedom to roam b/c there were so many less people around. 

Darrin chased him around for a while and then he was content for me to sit on the ground beside him while he played. 

Our original hotel was in a city that was under a boil alert b/c their water was contaminated with e coli. The hotel provided bottle water for brushing your teeth and said you could bathe in the water, but not ingest it. Everyone decided to stay, except us. We are the only ones with a 2 year old that doesn't understand he can't drink the bath water, shower water, or pool water. Plus, we had an extra baseball boy with us and we felt responsible for him. So, after a long day already, we packed up and drove another hour to a hotel with clean water. 

We picked up pizza and ate in the hotel lobby before going up to our room. Miles accidentally spilled my Mt. Dew all over the floor while we were eating which was par for the course at this point. At this point, it was around 7:30, but felt like midnight. We had promised Carson that he could swim and he was not forgetting that. It was totally worth it to see this smile. He LOVED swimming in chlorine with a little bit of water :)

Miles and his friend, Nate, were happy to be swimming too. I thought they would be really sad to not being staying with their team, but they were perfectly fine with just each other.

Happy boys!

Sunday we woke up to a baseball delay b/c of the rain. We knew there was a good chance that we wouldn't play on Sunday. That's the trouble with outdoor sports. Miles and Nate passed time on their tablets. 

Carson watched TV and looked out the window. They ended up cancelling the tournament pretty quickly b/c there was no end in sight to the rain. 

We loaded the car in record time and headed home. We pulled into the driveway around 1pm which gave us time to get some much needed stuff done around the house. For some reason, Carson didn't sleep well last night. He ended up on our bed and tossed & turned all night. I think his teeth are bothering him and maybe his allergies too. Both boys went to bed with Benadryl and Carson also had Motrin. Here's hoping that everyone sleeps until morning without a peep, including me!

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