
Saturday, April 20, 2019

10 Years

I wrote my first blog post 10 years ago today! I read a few blogs back then and thought it would be a fun way to update my family and friends on my pregnancy and upcoming baby. I was pregnant with Miles at the time. We didn't know if he was a boy or girl. 

Over the last 10 years, I've written 1,345 posts. Sometimes I love it and sometimes it's more of a chore. I try to stick with it during those times, b/c I want to document what's going on with us. I love going back and reading all the things I've forgotten, like the time Miles was completely put out by pie in the face at VBS or how I used to have to sing the ABCs to Carson the entire way home from daycare to keep him from screaming. 

I thought it would be fun to take a look back at some of the posts from the last 10 years. The most popular posts are my labor stories from the boys. Since we didn't find out what we were having with Miles, it was so fun to announce "It's A Boy!" And then, when Carson came six weeks early, his birth story was overwhelming to write about...Carson is Here. Another popular post was the story about how and why we got pregnant with Carson after 15 years of marriage.

Really good blogs tend to have a theme or purpose, like cooking, raising kids, working out, etc. While I wish my blog was really good, we'll just have to settle for a hodge podge and random pics. Besides the boys and our day to day lives around here, probably my favorite thing to write about is home improvement stuff, like our Kitchen, Before, During, & After. I like to include recipes in random posts like this one just b/c I love to cook. I'm definitely not a parenting expert, but I enjoy writing tips and tricks about the kids when I come across something that works. Babywise is by far the parenting hack that I am most passionate about. 

Writing about Lyme disease and specifically my post on December 29, 2010 will always be dear to me. That was the day that I finally had a diagnosis for the excruciating headaches and other symptoms that I had endured for the last year and a half. I haven't written about Lyme in a while b/c it's very much under control. I used to get several emails from random people that found my blog by searching about Lyme disease or my doctor, Dr. Michael Bernui.

Surprisingly, the most read post I've ever written is Raising a Boy. It has everything to do with the title. Clearly people just stumbled upon this blog after a google search for 'raising a boy' and got more than they bargained for with that post :)

I've given some thought to actually getting a website instead of the blogging site a use. I think it would enable me to set things up a little better and might be more user friendly for me. I've always thought that seemed crazy, especially for a family blog, but now that I've made it 10 years maybe it's not so crazy after all. I really do enjoy this space and hope to continue blogging for many years to come. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, I love your blog. I look forward to new posts all the time since I don't get to see you on a daily basis and hear about life and the boys. You may consider it sad, but I check it each night before I sign off the computer for the night. The life of a retired person on the farm is far less exciting than the life you live!!!!!
