
Monday, March 18, 2019

13 Random Pics

Since I had not blogged in two weeks before yesterday, I have several pictures to unload. Miles pitched for half of one inning yesterday and he said it was his favorite part of the day.

My handsome lunch date...

Carson is starting to show a few quirks. He really likes wipes. He insisted on getting them at dinner the other night because his hands kept getting dirty.

Miles had to make a hat to go along with a favorite book. I found out about said hat before church and baseball practice. I NEVER do homework or school projects. I usually help about 5% of the total project, but I did 95% of this one while he was at practice. He glued the army men on the top when he got home. It took me less than 10 minutes total. Since it wasn't for a grade and only for fun, I made an exception. He loved it.

I won a Roomba at our chamber banquet the other day. There were hundreds of people there and they drew my little ticket. WOW!

Carson is much better in the car than he used to be, but it's not a walk in the park just yet.

#truth. This is me almost every day.

We bought Typing Instructor for Kids from Amazon recently. I thought Miles would think it was cool to learn how to type correctly, and what a great thing for him to know how to do so early. He loves it! He hasn't had as much time to do it lately, but he really enjoys it and he's already learning. It walks you through different levels and teaches you a few letters at a time. Money well spent.

Cute new haircut and big brown eye...

Miles cleaned out his back pack the other day. He had everything but the kitchen sink in there. We had to use the dust buster when he was finished if that tells you anything.


I carpooled this rowdy crowd home from a birthday party the other night. The party was at a trampoline park, so they were sweaty, smelly, and wound up when they got in the car. So many people help me with rides for Miles, so I was happy to return the favor on a night when I could.

Good friends & teammates. I'm thankful that Miles has this group of friends. I sure do love their parents too.

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