
Thursday, January 10, 2019

An Early Morning & a Yummy Recipe

Our morning started awfully early. Carson started crying for daddy on the monitor at 4:30am. I gave it a minute, but he was standing up and I could tell he wasn't going back to sleep. So, I went and got him and put him in our bed. He squirmed, kicked and whined until I finally asked him if he wanted to get up at 5:15am. He said, "ya-as" which is how he says yes. It turned into an early morning for everyone. 

The boys were playing with playdough by 5:30 while Darrin cooked breakfast. Darrin cooks breakfast almost every morning, but I think he did so with one eye open this morning. I guess we are just tired, but it felt like the middle of the night.

I went to work out this afternoon which I never do. I always go at 5am, but the thought of getting up early tomorrow sounded terrible. I came home to Carson crying in the bath tub. He was just sitting there crying. He cried uncontrollably for at least 30 minutes. Darrin took Miles to basketball practice while I tried to get Carson to calm down.

Miles said he didn't have a good practice and that he only made one lay up out of a bunch. I think the poor kid was exhausted. He got up early, had a long day at school, and then had practice from 7-8:30pm, which also happens to be bedtime. I'm sure he will sleep well tonight.

As Carson's Motrin was kicking in, he just stood at my feet. He didn't want to sit with me, play, or watch TV.

He stood like this for 10 minutes perfectly content.

He finally climbed up on the couch and watched AFV. I text his teacher who said he was fine today. She said he played and ate all his food. When I told her that he was so upset, she said, "poor baby never cries". That was nice (and interesting) to hear! I think he was just worn out tonight. Before his show ended, he said "night night momma" so we read to books and he went to sleep without a sound. Hopefully he will get a great night sleep and wake up feeling much better. 

Sharing a new recipe today. We've made it several times, but I don't think I've shared it on here. I found it on Pinterest. The link to the blog that posted it is here, Copycat Skillet Queso. It's perfect with tortilla chips. I think it would be a great Super Bowl recipe. It gets really thick when it sits for a little while, so I would serve it warm or keep it warm on the stove. I don't know how it would taste in a crock pot, but I think it might be too thick.

And one final thought. Sometimes I think Carson looks nothing like Miles and then I see a time hop picture like this on Facebook and I wonder what Carson will look like when he's Miles' age. I definitely don't want time to go that fast, but I am curious if he will look like his brother.

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