
Monday, July 16, 2018

Our Garden & A Good Night

This is our first year to have a garden and we are loving it. Darrin was the mastermind. I had too much going on at the time we had to plant everything, so I couldn't help.

He researched when and how to plant everything. He did a really good job, especially for the first year.

We already have lots of ideas for next year. This year we have cucumbers, zucchini, squash, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, watermelon and chives. Next year, I would like to add corn, cilantro, and some kind of potatoes. And, we need add more lettuce & zucchini and cut back on the cucumbers. We are currently overrun with cucumbers.

Darrin and Miles have done all the work as far as weeding and picking the veggies. I have occasionally watered it, but that's pretty much the extent of my contribution. Carson would love to be more involved, but as you can imagine, he's a little rough with the plants :)

I love sharing from our garden. That's a lesson we had to teach Miles. He wasn't too fond of the idea at first. Then I reminded him that he didn't want to eat squash every night, all summer long. He got onboard with giving it away after that.

No one is loving the garden more than Miles. He checks it all the time, morning and afternoon. He actually takes a lot of work off of Darrin by gathering all the veggies. Whenever we cook something from the garden he declares that it's the best he's ever eaten. It's  really neat to see his enthusiasm over this. Hard work and healthy eating, win.

Darrin took Miles to baseball practice tonight and I stayed home with Carson. The two of us had the best night. He played while I ate and cleaned the kitchen. Then, we went outside to water some flowers. He helped me water and then played with his big wheel.

He came inside willingly and took a bath. After some playing and snacks, he walked to his room for books and bed. He laid down without a peep but then ended up crying for 15-20 minutes. I hate to hear him cry, but I knew he didn't need anything except sleep. Other than bedtime, it was a great night with him.

Nights like tonight remind me that he is getting bigger. He's able to understand and communicate more easily which cuts down on frustration from both sides. He's also stop screaming in the car so much. I love having a baby, but tonight is encouraging that easier days are around the corner.

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