
Friday, January 12, 2018

Happy 1.5 Carson!

I can't believe it but Carson is 1.5 today! He is a ball of energy that has melted all three of us, and everyone else in the family too. I am still in awe everyday of how God has blessed us with him and his protection during his delivery. I am forever grateful. He doesn't go to the doctor for his 18 month check up until next week, but I thought I would update what he is up to these days.

Eating is still a blessing and curse. He likes everything from grilled chicken to broccoli to ice cream. He turns nothing away. However, he does not like his high chair. He usually sits in it contently for five minutes and then repeatedly tries to climb out. He manages to get one foot underneath him and then whines or stands up. He would prefer to be held or sit in your lap while you feed him. That would be fine if he didn't try to grab everything in front of him. He loves spaghetti, grapes, yogurt, and marshmallows.

He still likes to have snack options at all times, to my dismay. We put them on this little shelf and he helps himself. He bangs on the pantry nonstop, but that usually means he's tired or bored rather than hungry. He only drinks almond milk and water and likes both very much.

He's not that affectionate yet, or at least he doesn't slow down long enough for hugs and kisses. Moments like this are rare.

He still doesn't love riding in the car. It's tolerable if he's in a good mood, but the slightest tinge of hunger or sleepiness causes him to scream and cry in the car. He is very attached to his pacifier. We try to only give it to him at nap time and bed time, but he ends up with it more often either because he's crying or because he takes us to his room and points to the drawer where they are. Sometimes he points to the drawer when he already has one in his mouth. In this case, he takes it out and trades for the new one :)

He's all boy! He's rough and tumble and very loud. My mom described him as fearless and that is a good word for him. He isn't scared of boundaries or limits. When he falls or hurts himself, he gets right up and keeps going. He is VERY busy, which you could translate to challenging. When you have to derail him from his current agenda you will have a fight on your hands. He's not about getting dressed, changing diapers, being restrained in a car seat, or any other nonsense like that. The one thing he will cooperate for is to put his jacket on b/c he likes to 'go'.

An example of his busyness...he likes to turn in a circle until he's dizzy enough to fall down.

He could take or leave bath time. He enjoys taking a shower with Miles in our shower much better. He still has his tubes and still wears ear plugs. He's worn them fine for so long and now he keeps taking them out. We try to wash his hair quickly before he takes them out.

He loves to play with his toys. He plays well with them, but he also just throws everything around at times without really playing with stuff. He still likes books and will sit still for reading more so than anything else. TV does not hold his attention at all. He watches Mickey Mouse during the theme song and that's pretty much all. The only show that has held his attention is America's Funniest Home Videos.

He's a great sleeper. He's usually happy to lay down in his bed with a lovie, two of which we call cow and bear, his light up giraffe, projector, and noise machine. It sounds like quite a process, but I think he would probably sleep just as well without all of it. Who wants to chance a good thing though?? He usually goes to be around 7pm and sleeps until 6:30-7:30am without a peep.

He loves his brother. He lights up when he sees him. I would say he's more of a daddy's boy than a momma's boy at this point.

The only words he's saying are momma, da da, uh oh, and this. He usually the sign language sign for 'more' all day, every day. I think for him it means 'more', 'I want', 'please', and basically anything else that he wants. Most days, he likes to go to daycare and happily walks into the room and starts playing.

People tell us all the time how happy he is, and for the most part they are correct. It does seem that some days he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. I don't know if it's teeth, an upset belly, moodiness, or maybe he's just not a morning person. Mornings are smooth or chaotic depending on how he wakes up. You just don't know from one day to the next how he's going to be. Darrin or I will hear him on the monitor on a chaotic morning and know to go help the other person b/c one person just won't cut it on those kind of days.

There's no way I can put into words what he means to our family. He is a soft spot for all three of us. He will never know the way we look at him. He loves life and seems to live it with reckless abandon. May we always embrace this about him and strive to foster enthusiasm and joy within him.

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