
Sunday, August 10, 2014

St. Louis - Day 3

Our plan for Day 3 was to visit Grant's Farm and then head home.  We were told to get there right when they open b/c the lines get really long.  That meant waking up and getting out of the hotel earlier than we had the other days.

Since I'm the one that takes forever, I decided to throw on some workout clothes and bum it for the day.  We were going to a farm after all.  The plan worked and we arrived at Grant's Farm at 8:45am, 15 minutes before they opened.  We made it on the second tram.  We had never been to Grant's Farm, so I really didn't know what to expect.  You ride a guided tram around the property first.  They point out all the animals and tell about the history of Ulysses S. Grant and the Busch family.

The tram drops you off where you can interact with several animals and visit some others. 

It's hard to see, but Darrin was covered in birds.  Miles and I wanted no part of it, except for laughing at Darrin from outside. Very entertaining.

I still can't believe that Miles did this by himself.  He wanted one of us to ride with him.  Since it was $5 a person for a couple trips around, that took less then 2 minutes, we just hurried him on the camel by himself.   

He didn't have time to think about it since there were no lines. That has to be the only reason he did it. 

We caught the tram back to the entrance and walked over to visit the Clydesdales.  

After that, it was time to go home. I liked Grant's Farm better than the zoo.  The animals are more active and much closer.  As we were leaving, we couldn't believe how long the lines were.  The people waiting in line were probably looking at least a hour, probably more. And, the cars lined up to get in went on for a mile or two.  It was crazy.  I am so thankful that we got there when we did. If not, we wouldn't have know from the entrance how long the line really was.  It would have been a nightmare with our not so patient child.  We enjoyed Grant's Farm, but it is not worth that kind of wait, in my opinion.

On the way home, we stopped on the side of the road at a look out point.  It's actually called Fort Jefferson Memorial Cross.  We've driven by it a million times, but never stopped. Since we had a little time we decided to check out.  Nothing to earth shattering, but it was a pretty stop.  

And, this is how Miles ended the trip....

It was a fun trip and now Miles knows a little about St. Louis.  Now that our vacation is over, it's time for volleyball season.  Preseason starts tomorrow.  Let the madness begin. 

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