This is going to be quick folks. I'm tired and haven't felt very
bloggy lately. I want to blog but we have gotten into this wonderful habit of going to bed when Miles does, which is anywhere between 8:30 - 9:15pm. It's wonderful b/c I love sleep but not so great for other things like laundry, random house projects, and blogging. Anyway, it's just a phase I'm sure.
We spent Friday night with my mom after my appointment with Dr.
Bernui and then went to the zoo on Saturday morning. We knew going into it that we weren't going to stay long b/c we HAD to be home before the UK game. So the plan was to stay from 9 to 1:30pm. We've taken Miles to the Memphis zoo, the Nashville zoo, and Safari Park twice, but this was the first time that we had no stroller and no diaper bag. It was great, and he was perfect. We only lasted until noon, b/c he got really tired, but that was fine. We were able to see enough to make it worth the trip.
It was Darrin's turn to climb up in the claustrophobic
meerkat exhibit. I did it
last time. thank you.

As Darrin was crawling out, another dad commented "the things we do for our kids".
Tru dat.

My mom went with us. Miles wanted to ride the train, and of course she was happy to oblige.

Miles kept saying that the camels were stinky...

The whole day, he would look at the animals as we walked up to an exhibit, say "
awww', and then "I want to see the giraffes". After hearing "I want to see the giraffes" at least 20 times, we found the giraffes. After that, he said he wanted to see the polar bears. When we told him they didn't have any, he seemed satisfied with that answer, and thankfully didn't ask again.

There was a dinosaur exhibit, but we got to it towards the end of our day and so we passed.

These next few pictures don't come close to showing how this all went down. We walked into the petting zoo part, Miles walked right up to a goat, put his hand on it's back, and started leading it around as if he were showing it at a dog show. He was so proud. It was like his own personal goat. The whole thing was hilarious. The three of us laughed so hard. Again, the pictures aren't adequate.

When other kids came around the first goat, he moved onto a different goat that was by itself.

This sums it all up...

This is what three hours without a stroller will get you...

He actually didn't fall asleep until 2 hours into the drive home. The idea of not having a stroller or diaper bag sounded so good to me, that I decided not to take my big camera either. I took a small one. For once, I decided to just enjoy the day and not be obsessed with taking pictures. It was fun to enjoy the day, but not so fun to see the lousy pictures that my small camera takes in comparison to my big camera. Not sure I'll be able to make that compromise again.
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