We woke up Monday morning. All along the plan was to do something together on the Monday of Presidents weekend. We knew Darrin would be home on Sunday night & since we'd be in Nashville there would be something fun to do. But...I never planned anything and then I didn't feel great all weekend b/c I'm in the middle of some medicine/treatment for my Lyme/mono issues so we just decided on Sunday to go home on Monday morning. We even contemplated driving home on Sunday night, but quickly changed our minds....just too tired.
In typical me fashion, I woke up on Monday and told Darrin I wanted to do something together. I change my mind a lot. The options were the Nashville zoo, go home through Kentucky and go to Ya
Ya's Island, or go home through Jackson and go to Casey Jones' Village. We both easily landed with the zoo. My mom went with us. We drove separately and then just came home from there.
Going to the zoo...

You have to crawl into this thing. It's in the middle of the
meerkat exhibit.
Meerkats are a family favorite for sure. It got hot and claustrophobic in there in a hurry. We didn't linger.

For those of you that know me well, you know I like to have the perfect outfit for every occasion. This is NOT the perfect outfit. The weatherman lied and I did a terrible job of packing. Once again, another awkward family photo b/c of the height difference...we love our awkward family though...

Obviously very interested in the goats. I think he liked it b/c they were so close and there wasn't really anything between them.

He loves the "tour-tells"...

He loved the pizza and animals equally.

They have an amazing play area for kids, which is one reason I would almost lean towards the Nashville zoo over Memphis even though they don't seem to have as many animals. You can climb all over this and there are random slides and bridges. Very cute.

His new favorite expression...

Who can resist this face...

Not Daddy...
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