Darrin picked Miles up from daycare today. There was note on his sign out sheet saying that he got in a little trouble. Apparently he decided to throw toys off the shelf in protest of Ms. "Nee-nan" leaving the room for her break. Ms. Lee Ann told him to stop throwing toys off the shelf b/c he needed to be a good boy. She turned to walk out and he told her that she was mean. She then told him that he is not supposed to talk to adults like that. She reminded him to be a good boy and turned to leave for break....at which point he told her that she needed to go to time out. Absolutely not funny that he disrespected his teacher, but aside from that major fact.....extremely funny.
One of Miles' favorite things to do right now is to cover you up with pillows. I actually really like this game b/c all I have to do is lay on my incredibly comfortable bed and he does the rest.....quite relaxing. My mom was his willing subject last weekend....

A close up of his sweet face in the same picture...

...the same sweet face that told his teacher she was mean and tried to put her in time out.
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