He now has a big spot on his belly, another long patch on his bottom and a small spot on his foot. Dr. Lisa said that it is a benign skin condition. She's not exactly sure what we are dealing with yet. She said that we would have to biopsy it to find out and since he's so little, and it's benign, there was no point in that. She thinks it is eczema that has raised & thickened due to constant rubbing b/c of where the spots are.
She then asked what kind of laundry detergent, soap, wipes, lotion, fabric softener & diapers we use. Not my proudest mommy moment when I realized I should have switched to allergen free a long time ago. Seriously, how did that not occur to me? We bought a few products from her and stopped at Walmart on the way home to get the other items we needed.
The plan...showers instead of soaking in baths. We started that tonight. He loved it. We used the new soap, lotion and topical creme for the spots tonight too. All allergen free laundry detergent....a load is in the washer so he can wear fresh clothes tomorrow. Also, we are going to dress him in pants that are loser in the waist.....specifically limiting jeans. She doesn't think the spots will go away, but we can make it better so it doesn't irritate him. We go back in two weeks to see how he is doing.
I was very happy with Dr. Lisa. At the end of the appointment, she assured me that we were starting with the easy things and if this didn't make a difference, there are other options including a referral to a pediatric dermatologist. Very happy to see that she is taking this seriously as opposed the last doctor who totally blew it off.
After the appointment, we ran a few errands in the mall. Miles was so good at the appointment and in the mall, so we had a little fun. He was a little nervous at first, but then he loved it.

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