It's gone on for long enough that the spot on his belly has spread to his bottom, so it was time to visit the dermatologist again. We went to the same one for a 3rd visit. Darrin took Miles today. He had to pick him up at daycare at 11:15 which is right after lunch and just before nap. He fell asleep on the way there, but did great when Darrin woke him up.

I didn't love him the doctor on the first or second visit, so I don't know why we went back. I'm just not completely convinced in what he's told us b/c it does seem to be hurting him. Even his teacher told me today that he is always scratching and rubbing his belly. It's right at his waist line and his pants seem to irritate it. We're going to get a second opinion. I'll just feel better if we do, especially since it's spread to his bottom. Hopefully the doctor is correct...I just don't feel good about it yet.
He fell asleep on the way back to daycare. Darrin was able to take him inside and lay him down for a nap without him completely waking up. Darrin said he opened his eyes a little and went back to sleep. He was the last one up from nap. He's like his mom....loves a good nap.
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