Miles has been looking forward to Halloween since he got his rain boots last week. He doesn't really know what Halloween is, but he knows he gets to wear the boots and that's all that matters. He's been saying "I'm a fireman, I save people" all weekend.
We had several stops.....First was his party at school. I told him this morning that I was coming to his party & then then got to put on his fireman outfit & boots. I made the mistake of bringing it in, which totally distracted him from the party. So I moved it outside his classroom door. If you look out the window, you can see the orange bag that has his costume & boots in it. It took some coaxing to get him away from the window.

He finally got over the costume and decided to get in on the fun....

We didn't carve pumpkins at home (bad parents)....he was fascinated by the pumpkin. Here he is with Mrs. Nancy, the lead teacher in his room...

He wore his glow in the dark "I Love My Mummy" shirt today, which has been a big hit with him the whole month. It's always a good day when he gets to wear it...

Miles and Ms. Lee Ann, or Ms. Nee Nan as he says. She is the other main teacher in his room. He absolutely loves her. She says he is her shadow all day...wanting to know what she's doing...where she's going...come play with him...on and on and on. She is so patient and sweet with him...

After the party, it was time to Trick or Treat at the businesses downtown. We met several friends at the library, which was the starting point. Here's our little fireman...

Miles and Avery Reece...

Miles and

And he's off...we didn't really practice saying trick or treat, and he didn't really grasp it. Halfway through he started holding up his pumpkin and saying "I want more". Must work on this before next year...

Along the way we found our little friend, Amelia...

Next stop was Fall Fest at my work. I only have one picture b/c I stink at taking pictures inside. He loved playing the games at Fall Fest...

Our fourth and final stop was Trunk or Treat at church. The first trunk was set up as Angry Birds. From that point on, all he wanted to do was go back to Angry Birds. It was really cute.

Miles and his cousin, Abby...

Miles and friends, Ethan & Caleb...

This trunk was all decked out with a spot to take pictures. This is probably one of my favorite pics from the day...

Whew....I'm exhausted. It was totally worth it to spend the afternoon with Miles. He enjoyed every minute of it.
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