8:27am: I get a text from Darrin saying that they are going to stay home all day and have a Daddy & Miles day.
9am: Hair cut & lollipop

9:30am: Rented the Lion King. Darrin wanted the Smurfs but he was vetoed.
9:45am: Go to Rural King to get free popcorn & rain boots to go with his Halloween costume. Terrible picture quality, but he loved the boots. He wore them all day including with his pjs.

10am: Watch the Lion King. Miles sat beside Darrin for over an hour glued to the movie.
11:20am: Nap time b/c he couldn't stay awake any longer.
Afternoon: They played golf outside in between the rain & watched more of the Lion King.
5:15pm: I called Darrin to tell him I was running a little late. He told me to hurry home b/c apparently their time together had come to an end. Miles was super fussy.
5:20pm: I came home to a happy little boy, tired husband, and a yummy dinner....grilled chicken, baked beans and corn.
6pm: Darrin left for practice. Miles & I enjoyed the rest of the night together. He took a bath, we played trains & read books.
7:45pm: He put his rain boots on to walk to bed. I asked him where he wanted to put them while he slept. He placed them neatly right next to the stool that he uses to climb onto his bed so that they would be there in the morning.
For a child that seems to thrive on quality time, I'd say his cup runneth over. What a great day for both of them. Darrin- thank you for being such an awesome Dad.
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