Tomorrow, Miles moves up to Room 3 at daycare. We have both enjoyed our time in Room 2 very much. In Room 2, the kids learn a feed themselves, colors, numbers, how to play outside, coloring & painting, songs...he has been a busy boy all year long.
The past year also saw it's share of
scrapped faces & noses, allergic reactions & bite marks. Growing up can be tough! I always hated to see the daycare # come up on my cell and hear "Jennifer, this is Ms. Debra"....she was always super calm & I knew he was in good hands, but my heart always sank a little.
I took my old camera to daycare and left it for a month. The teachers took some random pictures. Unfortunately the camera is really old, so the pictures aren't great quality. Nevertheless, it's always fun to see pictures of Miles playing and some with his friends.

Miles & Alex
Belew....I would ask him everyday on the way to daycare who he wanted to see that day. 9 out of 10 times, he would say Alex Bah-
llleeeewwww (just like that)...

I think Miles and Molly have a love/hate relationship. Must have been love on this day. Molly's last name is McClure and these 2 have always resembled each other.

One of his

Neeley is another cute friend. Her mom & I are friends, so they have no choice :)

Miles isn't in this picture, but how cute is this? Miles calls them trucks...

Miles had several teachers in Room 2 that we have loved, but the lead teacher, that was there all year, was Dr. Debra. Some of my favorite things about Ms. Debra are: she takes good care of the kids and handles accidents wonderfully, she loves them without babying them, she doesn't act bothered by my questions & texts. We will miss Ms. Debra a lot.

Miles got her a little gift to say thanks...

The note says: Ms. Debra, The
time has come for me to move up. Thanks for teaching, loving &
watching out for me over the last year. I enjoyed every
second with you. Love, Miles. The gift was a rubber boyfriend watch, hence all the time references.
Tomorrow begins the next phase. We're all ready to see what it holds.
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