We went to
Pediatric Place today for Miles' 2 year check up. I picked him up at daycare and asked if he wanted to go see Dr. Bates. He was very excited and ran to the door to leave. He chanted "Dr. Bates, Dr. Bates" all the way to Union City.
This was the first visit where he was weighed and measured on the big scale instead of the baby scale. He stood up there like a pro. He weighs 28.8 lbs (57th percentile) and is 35.5" tall (79th percentile). Darrin has already done the "double your height at age 2" math to see how tall he will be...which is 6' tall. Daddy was happy.
He walked right over to the nurse and let her look him over. He has a spot on his belly that he has had since he was a little baby. He was eager to show the nurse the spot.

Dr. Bates said that he looked great, but that it would probably be a good idea to see a dermatologist about his stomach. We went twice when he was younger and the dermatologist said it was dermatitis. It wasn't anything to worry about so we haven't. Lately the spot seems to be bothering Miles. He has been crying and pointing to his stomach saying "stomach hurts" consistently for the last month. He's infatuated with "boo boos" and kissing boo boos these days so I've been cautious to not overreact. However, he also has some of the same patches of rash/dryness on his bottom. He's been saying "bottom hurts" lately too. I just think we've gotten to a place that I would feel much better having it looked at again.
Other than this little skin issue, we have a happy, healthy little boy. Very thankful.
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