I received a text from Darrin while they were at the appointment that read "picture is going to be impossible emotional meltdown here". I asked why. He replied "knows shots are coming". So, this is what he got, which I think is very cute.

The visit was at 8:30am and then Darrin took him to daycare. I got a text from his teacher at the beginning of nap time saying that he was laying on his cot crying....and that he never does that. Knife to the heart for this momma. I wanted to leave work immediately and take him home. But I talked myself through it and after nap time he was better. To add insult to injury, he also fell on a toy at daycare and scrapped his face. All in all, it was a yucky day for our little boy.
He weighs 25lbs 11oz (48th percentile) and is 33.8" tall (86th percentile). His head is 49cm (81st percentile). He didn't even gain a whole pound since his 15 month visit, but I'm not surprised b/c the boy is B-U-S-Y.
At 18 months he:
• is a great eater. He has a big appetite and loves a variety of foods. Meat is probably is favorite food group.
• loves grapes, eggs, milk & marshmallows the most.
• is still drinking almond milk. He loves it and I'm not willing to try regular milk again until he's old enough to tell us what's wrong. Enough with the guessing games.
• is a great sleeper. Bed time is around 7:30pm, give or take. He typically wakes up around 6:30am.
• has started to watch a little TV, but Handy Manny is really the only show that holds his attention.
• loves to play. He does not discriminate when it comes to his toys. Just when I think we can phase something out, he plays with it. Right now, he particularly loves his Thomas trains, his teddy bear & his Handy Manny tool box.
• loves to read and look at books.
• is starting to say lots of words and repeat after us. He seems to have trouble with "s" when it is at the beginning of the word. He says "ooze" for shoes. He also replaces "c" with "d". Cat is "dat". My mom said that I had the same c & d issue when I was little. I called my brothers "Diss" and "Darl" for Chris & Carl.
• likes to test us (mostly me) on a regular basis. It is clear he knows right from wrong, but will ALWAYS see what he can get away with.
• is still very affectionate and loving towards us. He gives lots of hugs and kisses.
• is finally finished with the bottle completely. He has been taking a night time bottle only for quite a while. It's been replaced with a sippy cup and few less ounces. He just doesn't seem ready to give up the drink altogether.
• has had 2.5 hair cuts. I cut his bangs once so that's the half.
• still takes a pacifier at nap time and bed time....and when mom and dad have heard enough. This is the next milestone to be tackled in the near future. He probably won't care as much as we will. It's just hard to give it up when it works like *magic*.
• seems to be a social kid. Goes to daycare happily on most days. He likes to talk about his friends at home. He smiles and lights up when we talk about them.
I could go on forever. The kid is such a joy. He is so happy and seems to love life. May he always live with that enthusiasm. We will do our best to see that he does.
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