
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Breakfast Duty

Darrin has breakfast duty every morning. Breakfast has always been his thing anyway. He makes great homemade pancakes and yummy omelets. Oh, and he cooks bacon to perfection, which is something I've never been able to do. He and Miles seem to have a lot of fun in the morning.

The only thing we've found that Miles won't eat is pancake syrup. Funny b/c I typically eat my pancakes without syrup too.

Miles is a great eater. He loves all kinds of vegetables, including carrots, green beans, peas and broccoli. He really likes meat. If given a variety on his plate, he will always go for the meat first. They say at daycare he doesn't always finish his fruit but gets seconds on meat and vegetables.

I think we've been blessed with a non-picky eater. However, we have worked diligently to try to make him this way. From the time he started eating solid food, I stressed variety. I always start with the vegetable first, the meat second, and if he's still hungry I give him something that he really likes...such as yogurt, applesauce or marshmallows. Also, we don't give him snacks outside his regular eating times, and he doesn't drink juice at home, which I think ruins kids' appetites. By sticking to a schedule, it forces him to be when it's time to eat, he will usually eat whatever is before him. We never offer choices either. We operate with the motto "take it or leave it". Sounds harsh but he's one of the best eaters I've seen at 15 months.

Every parent has their "thing". I've said before, mine happens to be diet & healthy eating habits. I'd like to think that our plan has contributed to him being a good eater, and I do.....but as I said, I do think we were blessed in this area with Miles. I'm inclined to think he would have been a good eater no matter what we did. Regardless, I feel good about what he eats, and that's worth a lot.

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