This is as close as Miles got to a Halloween costume. When I woke him up last Friday morning, he was burning up. My mom was in town, so she stayed home with him. By the time I got home from work, his fever was close to 104. He didn't really have any other symptoms except a little cough.

On Saturday, he woke up happy and played all day. No fever, no problems. So, we decided to go to a Halloween party on Saturday night. We already had plans for Miles to stay with Darrin's parents. I was hesitant to leave him for the night, but he was fine all day. So, we went to the party. It was fun...very nice to hang out with friends, which we rarely do these days.

Granny called Sunday morning to tell us that Miles ran a fever and was up most of the night. When we picked him up that afternoon you could tell he didn't feel good. He was still happy to see us, which is the best feeling ever... We hung out at home last night and greeted a few trick or
Around 4am this morning he started crying. When Darrin got him, he was burning up again. Enough playing around...time to see Dr. Bates. Thank goodness Darrin was able to stay home with him today. After a trip to the doctor...the diagnosis was a slight ear infection and a little rattling in his chest. He was given an antibiotic to avoid pneumonia. He's home again from daycare tomorrow. Hopefully by Wednesday he'll be feeling better. After a weekend of this...

...we are all ready for him to feel better. No fun to see our baby upset. Hope everyone had a fun Halloween.
On a different camera is not taking good pictures (see above). They aren't as sharp as they used to it's not focusing well. I took several at the Halloween party we went to and none of them were good. I don't know what's going on. I've had the camera since 2007. Could it need to be cleaned? Advice please.
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