Miles has developed a new love for stuffed animals. There are 3 in particular that he loves. Bunny was given to us by one of Darrin's former player's parents when we found out I was pregnant. Teddy was delivered to the hospital when we had Miles, courtesy of the
Gunters. Puppy was given to us by my college friend, Susan. His name and birth date are embroidered on his belly. If I was a really good, well organized blogger, I would have pictures of Bunny, Teddy and Puppy. Instead, I only have Puppy.
Miles kissing Puppy...

Looking out the door to the backyard probably wondering when he'll get to go outside again...

Lately we've been amazed at how much Miles actually knows. We often underestimate how much he learns at daycare and picks up from us. I told him to put Puppy in his chair and this is what I got...

At home, Miles is funny and silly all the time. I'm not sure a lot of people get to see this side of him. Luckily for us we enjoy his personality all the time. As you can see, he really loves Puppy.
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