Darrin was supposed to go on a recruiting trip to Philadelphia this weekend but plans changed on Thursday. We decided kind of spur of the moment to take Miles to the Memphis zoo. The weather was going to be nice and since we don't usually get this kind of opportunity during season, we took it. We were only gone 24 hours from start to finish, but it was still so nice.
About the "nice" weather...I roasted at the zoo. I thought the 70's felt good? I lost the scarf about 5 minutes after we walked in the gate. Thank goodness that a lot of the zoo is shaded. Here we are at the entrance...Miles is pumped up, can't you tell?

His expression didn't change much throughout the day. We got a few giggles and smiles.....and every now and then he would point and "talk". That's just Miles. We knew he would love it, but that he might now show it. He just took it all in. He enjoyed being outside. He liked being with both of us. He loved looking at all of the people, especially other kids.

Straight in front of us there was some kind of monkey swinging all over the ropes but Miles was far more entertained by the otters swimming.

Love this picture....

He liked the elephants....probably b/c they were big and moving. I don't know if it was the time of day or what, but almost all the animals were sleeping. Miles couldn't spot them if they were asleep. He didn't know what he was looking for.

This is a glass bubble that sticks out in the sea lion exhibit. It was just too freaky to let him actually climb out in the bubble. I know the thing would never break in a million years but I just couldn't turn loose of him.

Despite the expression....he did have fun.

The animal that got the biggest reaction......the ostrich. Who would have thought. Again, it was awake, easy for him to see, and relatively close to him compared to most of the other animals. I guess we'll have to change his Scout toy to say that his favorite animal is an ostrich. It currently says that his favorite animal is an anteater b/c Darrin is weird.

This was Miles' reaction when he saw the carousel...

This was his reaction when his loser parents didn't have any cash for him to ride it. Breaks your heart doesn't it?

We made up for it at the mall later. However, as soon as I put him on the zebra, he wanted off. He put both arms around my neck. I convinced him to stay on. I think he was completely indifferent about it.

After a few bites of cookie...

And a kiss goodnight...

It was time for bed...