Miles' latest form of communication is screaming and crying...
Darrin's mom watched him for a couple hours yesterday. She had never seen him throw a fit before. When I got home, she asked what we do when he does that. Do we spank him? Swat his hand? She just wanted to know the protocol. We have decided not to spank and instead go the time out route. No judgment please. I was not spanked, Darrin was. I have no problem with other people spanking their kids, I'm just not comfortable with it. Darrin has agreed to try it my way. If necessary, we will revisit the decision at a later date.
Since Miles is too young for time out right now, we just sternly tell him no and ignore the tantrum. He understands no, but DOES NOT LISTEN AT ALL. NOT AT ALL. I've seen those wild kids that don't listen....right now he's one of them. For example, he likes to stand up in the bathtub and grab the handle that turns the water on. We have told him no so many times that now when he stands up to grab it, he looks at us and shakes his head no....and then grabs it anyway. In this scenario, we give him a few chances and then take him out of the tub if he doesn't listen.
As first time parents, we have no idea what we are doing. Just learning as we go. I think at some point you just have to decide what you are going to do and stick to it. Our plan is to follow through and be consistent so hopefully we don't have a wild kid that doesn't listen.
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