How quickly things change. Just last week I was worried b/c Miles wasn't eating. For several days, he lost interest in food and his bottles. As Dr. Bates predicted, it must have been a phase.

Last night, Miles woke up in the middle of the night crying. He does this every now and then. However, since he started sleeping through the night at 9 weeks, we've never had to go get him. We let him cry for 5 minutes and then it was clear he was not going to go back to sleep. I got him up and changed his diaper and gave him some Tylenol thinking maybe his eye was bothering him. I laid him back down and within minutes he started crying again. I got him up, rocked him, gave him teething tablets, gas drops, teething ring, Darrin walked around with him….still crying. Finally we thought that maybe he was hungry. He ate a 5oz bottle in 5 minutes and went back to sleep. I thought he might sleep later than usual after eating in the middle of the night. Nope. He woke up at 7am and ate a big bowl of cereal with baby food and an 8oz bottle!
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